More threads by Ashley-Kate

Today i took a big step after my appointment with my psychologist and my dr. (now i have to see a dr. every week to have a weight check and vitals) I decided to inform one of my roomates about my e-d. I hesitated for the longest time because i wanted to know them all a bit more before i told them anything about my life or who i was but i judge that they would be very accepting about anything that i told them. So i chose the one that seemed to be the more accepting i guess and told him, the others i will tell in time i guess when i get the occasion. He took it very well and was extremly helpful and kind. He asked many questions but really respectful. I felt the need to tell them now because if anything happens to me i want them to know. I feel relieved a bit because i don't feel like i really have to hide anything from him anymore he knows me. I am proud of myself and i wanted to let you all know that i am trying to get back on track. trying to stay out of the isolation.
thank you all for your congrads! I am on a hole new plan with my psychologist and the team that works with him now until the referal gets finished and i am finally transfered. Seeings how i am under a fare amount of stress it has made controling my eating disorder much more difficult as many can imagine. I am going to the CLSC were my psychologist works every week now for weekly weigh-ins and vital checks and also for blood tests. I go the next day to see the psychologist if everything is okay with the vitals and weight check, if not then well they haven't really explained that part of the hole thing and i think i rather not think about what if... but i have a pretty good idea that if anything is wrong they will discuss with me then my options because my appointments with the dr. are at times that my psychologist is not too far from there and can come see me if that ever happens.. Anyway i am under a tight watch which at the beginning sort of frustrated me because i felt like i was a child yet again but now i understand a bit more i guess and i realise that they are trying to help me the best they can.
thanks to all


Dr. Meg, Global Moderator, Practitioner
It's great to hear that you're doing positive things to take care of yourself, Ashley. It's difficult to tell someone something so personal, so I'm really glad that your roommate was supportive and understanding. It sounds like you chose well :hug:
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