More threads by Tedavely


Hi everyone, I am a 23 year old male who has just started to look for counseling, I will be seeing a psychologist in 2 weeks. I probably should have done so earlier because I have a lot of "problems", but I never felt that they were bothering me so much.

About 2 years ago I started to wake up after about 3 to 5 hours of sleep, at first I thought that it might be a biological problem. However, my mother went for a 4 week vacation and slowly, my sleep got better I started sleeping for about 5 to 7 hours until about a week before she came back. I started feeling suicidal a few days before she came back, but I have a very positive attitude towards almost everything and, by using my inner voice to help me consider the bigger picture, I got through that period (which was just last week actually). Since she has returned, my sleep is just terrible, I sleep 2 to 3 hours.

I should probably also mention that I occasionally wake up feeling very anxious, but I calm myself down quickly with my inner voice. Also, when I mentioned my sleeping hours above, that is referring to deep sleep, I continue sleeping after I wake up, but I can tell that I am semi-conscious.

I would like to know how I should make posts on this forum, what I mean by that is, I know that there are just so many things that happened as I was growing up that could be causing my sleeping problems that I don't know if I should put it down all at once, or if I should post in the given categories.

Daniel E.
I know that there are just so many things that happened as I was growing up that could be causing my sleeping problems that I don't know if I should put it down all at once, or if I should post in the given categories.
Personally, it's often easier for me to see everything in one place, both for writing something and reading it.


Welcome to the forum :2thumbs: !! I hope you like it here, I know I do :)

It is nice to know that you have a positive attitude towards almost everything, and the fact that you are able to use your inner voice as a source of help is just awesome. For most of us, that inner voice is a threat other than anything else :coffee:

Anyways, I hope we get along :)


Welcome to the forum. :)

If you're not sure where to start, General Support and Advice is pretty generic and covers most things. :D
welcome tedavely, nice to have you with us :tiphat:. i think its great you're looking to see a psychologist, you say you should have sooner but its never too late to start. i never started until i was 32, and looking back over my life i could have done with it at the tender age of 23 already. you're ahead of the game! looking forward to your posts :)
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