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The cry for help. Very strong reference. We all do it to a degree, psychologists and psychiatrists included. Their lot in life is to assist, but lets not lose sight and conclude that they only offer assistance. They process the suffering we all experience, and it does affect them.

I am here by chance. I was looking for information regarding amnesia and how it affects love and faith. A link brought me here.

I have suffered in life as many of you are now, and I have been as elated and confident as some of you are now. Remove peoples credentials, and surprisingly, we are all the same.

There are no more noble callings than compassion, empathy, and concern for the wellness of others, of which there is no shortage of in these forums. It may be a case of the blind leading the blind, but to be in the company of those with whom you share a common bond, a common road, and common goals, is what counts.

Looking forward to interacting, laughing, crying, and being a part of.

Yuray Priori


Re: The cry for help.

Welcome to Psychlinks Yuray!

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Enjoy Psychlinks!
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Re: The cry for help.

hi Yuray nice to have you here. I like your comment move the credentials and were all the same. Best Wishes mary


Welcome to Psychlinks, Yuray :welcome2:

Glad that you decided to join us and I hope to see you around :wave:
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