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Today, we had to euthanize our long asthmatic, 12-year-old Himalayan cat. It was a difficult and humbling experience.

I've lost family members, my grandfather only a few years ago. It was I who guided the other family through the loss, and I who held up to hold up others. I cried my tears privately, and tried to remember the good times. My grandfather was severely demented at his death, so it was a blessing in many ways. His intellect had always been his pride, and that had been taken from him.

Somehow, I found the necessity of euthanizing this cat more difficult that any death I've dealt with to date. Perhaps, it's because I've put so much of myself into trying to make his life as comfortable as I could, considering his very severe asthma. Perhaps, it's because you can't explain to a cat why things are the way they are. Yet, I knew this last attack was the harbinger of his last "good day". I said my goodbyes, and my father was kind enough to take him to the veterinarian for me. I wasn't emotionally able to face the ordeal. Although my work is dealing with death and dying, I couldn't hold myself together for this one.

I know he's now beyond his suffering, and I shall be beyond mine once the grieving process is complete. He was a family member. He'll be remembered for all the love he gave, and all the fun he had and shared with us, his human family. It's the good things that make the love so worth having shared.

I hope this helps those of you who have lost loved ones, human or otherwise. I felt that, perhaps, knowing that even those of us who deal with death as a part of our vocation still must deal with the difficulties that follow loss.


Thanks for the hugs, Foghlaim! We all need them from time to time, and it's amazing how much good they can do for those feeling down and at a loss. :)

:hug: :hug: right back!


That Lady,

Know that I am thinking of you during this difficult time. As my pet ages, I often think about "that day"...and it's hard. Allow yourself the time to grieve. Our pets are special, and their memory and lives should be honoured and celebrated, and their passing grieved.

Take care. :hug:


The fact that you knew it was coming won't make it any easier - you've lost a dear friend and your grief is normal. I hope you know that we are here for you if you need to rant/vent/whatever.




I just wanted to say that I too am sorry to hear about your loss. I know the hurt inside all too well and wanted you to know that I am here for you anytime as you have always been for me.

Lots of :hug: during this difficult time.
thatlady, i am sorry for your loss. i love my pets dearly but still will have them for a long time to come. i can only imagine what it must feel like for you. it must be really difficult to go through all of these emotions even though you are a grief counsellor. i'm not sure if your work makes it any easier for you. be sure to look for support, even though in the past you typically were the one to be strong. sometimes it's our turn to lean on others. :hug:


I am very sorry to hear about this sad time for you ThatLady. It's always difficult to lose a pet that's been a longtime trusted companion.


David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I still vividly remember the day I had to take my long-time companion, Sam the beige cat, to the vet, and that was 21 years ago. He was with me about 15 years...

My sincere condolences, TL.


Thank you all for your gentle thoughts and kind wishes. While it was a difficult decision to make, it was the best decision for our dear companion, who had given so much of himself unconditionally over the years. We'll always remember, and we'll always love him. Now, at least, he needn't struggle to breathe.



Thanks, Lana. The pain is lessening as I become more able to accept that we did the best we could, and we were able to make the decision to stop the suffering when the time came to do so. He lived a long, happy life for one who had asthma from kittenhood. :)
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