More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
The Importance of Down Time
By Dr. Deb
Augist 20, 2010

Taking a break from the everday grind of your work-personal life is SO important to do. Whether you arrange a month holiday or grab a few hours away from it all, your well-being will thank you for it.

Learning to balance your work-personal life offers scientific benefits. Here are three big ones:

1. You'll be healthier: Science shows that those who take regular breaks from work-personal life have lower levels of emotional stress and less physical illness. Those who take vacations also sleep better.

2. You'll be renewed. Taking time away, even if it's just for a day, can help stave off emotional burnout. When you unplug from the daily grind, your renew your senses and reconnect with other meaningful experiences.

3. You'll be in the here-and-now. Taking a vacation helps you to live in the moment, whether it's touring a city, rock climbing a high peak or curling up with a book you've wanted to read for months. Tomorrow, next week or next month are not on the agenda. Nor are deadlines or chores. And when you turn off cell phones and other technology, time will take on a luxurious slowness and ease.
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