More threads by Jhessika


Hello all. My name is Jessica (not spelled Jhessika).

I'm 20, have lived in Indiana all my life, and am in general a rather easy-going and happy person. Of course, it's that other times that I'm not easy-going and happy that has brought me here.

I was recently a member of another site, but after a couple of years of participating on that forum, I found that I had outgrown the overall age average of the site. So, it was time for me to move on and here I am now.

I enjoy sites such as these because the people on them can really give you a third person perspective on an issue you may be having which I've found can help ground you on some matters. The issues I've personally dealt with before include anxiety, as well as depression. Both of these have always been minor, but they are constantly in my life.

Some background is I have spoken to a therapist about my issues before and she was very insightful. However, while I'm very capable of identifying the underlying issues to my depression and anxiety, I have poor carry-through in dealing with them. Why? Well because I'm a people pleaser, and that often means holding my emotions and opinions in. I have also spoken to a doctor before who put me on medication for a little while, but after a bit I was just back to the way I felt before.

But, like I said, my depression and anxiety are very minor. I'm able to pull out of it after a day or so after having surrounded myself with people that make me happy, but the feelings are still deeply ingrained in my being it feels like. It's like it will never go away.

Again, I realize my issues probably aren't as serious as most of the people on this site, but I've found that the help of a stranger in these types of matters can be very beneficial to lifting my mood. If anything though, it's also just nice to vent once in awhile.

Hope to see you all around here. :)


Hi and welcome! I'm actually new here too and I could echo everything you just said. I hope you find what your looking for here. Take care.


Welcome Jessica,

I hope you find Psychlinks informative as well as supportive when you need it.

I realize my issues probably aren't as serious as most of the people on this site

You certainly don't have to be dealing with a crisis to participate here, and many of our members are either in remission from their symptoms or might simply be interested in providing information and support based on their own life experience.

So feel free to join in and when you need support, know there is probably someone around eager to help.

Enjoy Psychlinks!
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