More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder

The Joy Project is a 501(c)3 non-profit, grassroots organization based on the philosophy of using real-world, workable solutions to end the epidemic of eating disorders. We work towards reducing the rate and severity of eating disorders by supporting and conducting research, education, and support programs.

The Joy Project does not seek to replace or discourage traditional or current treatments, but to expand the options for treatment. We seek to make treatment options more accessible to anyone affected and find and implement ways to make treatment more effective. The Joy Project seeks to empower individuals with eating disorders to be active participants in their own recovery.

Site features:
  • Tools for Recovery
  • Sample Meal Plans
  • Stories of Recovery
  • Getting Treatment
  • Treatment in Minnesota
  • Our Programs
  • Message Boards
  • Discussion
  • Blog
  • Links
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