More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Sneakers tweet about your walking (so you don't have to)
The Raw Feed Blog
Wednesday, January 27, 2010

New "Rambler" shoes connect to your cell phone via Bluetooth, and send out tweets to your Twitter feed about what's going on with your feet.

The data takes the form of the words "step" and "tap," and a period when nothing is happening. So when you're sitting at your computer tapping your feet, tweets look like this: ".....tap tap tap.... tap." When you're walking, they look like this: "step step step step."

This is why Al Gore invented Twitter.


wow, surely this is a joke? dont tell me the world is coming to this!! I think twitter is sad enough lol :p

oh never mind that i just read it was a joke lol
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