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I meet with the psychologist last march for do the evaluation on my mental health. and Finally, last week, I got the report of my diagnosis, it is Borderline Personality Disorder.

Ok, I am still struggling to understand what is BPD is all new for me and I need to someone like therapist to explain on BPD , so I can understand more.

My social worker ask me that I make my own decision to find the therapist, or psychologist in specialty BPD, or work with my social worker.

I am not sure what is best option to meet the psychologist, therapist or my social worker? what the difference of psychologist and social worker? I am very confused, I don't know what I want.

Do you have the opinion, or have experience with it? anybody recommended to meet psychologist, or therapist , etc...

thank you!! :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
You will find a number of descriptions of BPD and discussions about BPD in this section of our forums, butterflymika.

Was this diagnosis given on the basis of psychological testing? or was it on the basis of clinical interviewing?
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