More threads by Reaper


Well the appointment with the psych went ok
she wants me to change meds but need to talk to her boss about it first am getting a CPN
she asked a lot of questions about what i do during the day
and how many hours i sleep i was told that 12 hours are to much sleep but it feel ok for me to sleep that much
I am glad your appointment went well and that maybe med change will happen as well. Your sleep pattern will probably change a bit once you are feeling better. Glad to hear things went well.


Yes Reaper!! glad to hear you are getting some help with things! :) Must put your mind at ease a bit. Did you like this new doc?

Gawd, I would feel like a zombie if i slept 12 hours, but I guess your body needs it right now. It will work out.

A CPN is? something public nurse?

Be cool gal, hang in there!
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