More threads by Daniel E.


Resident Canuck
4. Walk up to an employee and tell him in an official tone, "I think we've got a Code 3 in house wares," and see what happens.

Sometimes in retail they have codes for "episodes" that happen. Either it be a spill, possable shoplifter etc. I Code 3 could mean almost anything that could happen in a store, or nothing. The employee might react or just get an odd puzzled look like "what the heck is a code 3"

Put M&M's on layaway

Layaway is when the customer asks the store to hold the product for another time when they will come back to pick it up.'s

Hope it helps make those ones funny for you too White Page :hug: :flowers:
:thankyou2: kind NN !

yes they are funny now ! had a look at the m&m info , and doh of course I've
come across them before just didn't click before ,( a senior moment !! :))


Resident Canuck
No worries White Page, anytime :D

Gooblax, just make sure you don't get yourself into any trouble :lol:
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