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Ugh, I slept a little bit, but am up now wide awake.

I took the klonopin (.5mg, supposed to be 1 mg, but I can't handle that much) a few hours ago and Vistaril (25 mg) which was prescribed for sleep which I think is an antihistamine, but also for anxiety? What I'm wondering is if I'm having some kind of reverse reaction to it like I do with Benadryl? It makes me feel hyper and weepy and panicked like I have to get away from myself. That's kind of how I'm feeling.

This medication thing is getting complicated. Why can't I just be a cat and sleep most of the time anyway? :eek:
Janet: I would definitely call your doctor and tell him that you have a reverse reaction to benadryl. As I recall Vistaril is an antihistamine and it may be part of your sleep issues. See if there isn't something else he can give you. :hug:

Why can't I just be a cat and sleep most of the time anyway? :eek:

That would be so good, i sometimes look at my budgies they sleep on one leg with their heads in their wings and just go of to sleep instantly it would be good to sleep like that. My sleep pattern is all over the place going from sleeping too much, to be wide awake to sleeping in the day, or just nodding off at strange times, it would be good to just go to bed at night, sleep and awake refreshed in the morning I hope you get the medications sorted out:hug: :hug:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Vistaril is listed as a sedative-hypnotic but it does apparently act in part on the histamine system. It is also said to have some anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) properties.

Nervous system agitation-excitement is not listed among the side-effects (indeed the major concern seems to be the opposite - over-sedation).

It's always possible for any individual to have an atypical reaction to a medication. While it doesn't seem likely that Vistaril is causing it, you definitely should report this to your doctor.


I've always envied cats their lifestyle, too, Janet. Must be nice to have someone feed you, clean up after you, serve as pillow or couch whenever you feel the need to lie down (which is pretty much all the time), sleep when you wish, eat when you wish, and generally do exactly what you wish, when you wish. That would be the life! I think it's why cats always look so darned smug! ;)

I'd let your doctor know of your symptoms. It really doesn't sound like Vistaril is the right thing for you. It's not often used, to my knowledge, as a sleeping aid. It's usually used to treat nasal allergies, or an adjunct to a pain-killer (like Demerol) because of its sedative effect. If you react eccentrically to Benadryl, it wouldn't be unusual for you to have an eccentric reaction to Vistaril, I don't think. Let your doctor know and see if he can prescribe something else. :hug:
I see the doctor Monday. This is all getting worse, the sleeping. When I start to fall asleep I startle awake with the most horrible feeling that something awful is going to happen. So now I fear falling asleep. I hope we can get this straightened out as I believe getting good rest is essential to healing from everything else.


I hope we can get this straightened out as I believe getting good rest is essential to healing from everything else.

I think you are absolutely right in that getting the necessary rest is required to heal and I too hope that you can get the medication issue straightened out so that a peaceful night's rest is in your future, soon.

Take care
I am getting so discouraged about this whole thing. I am taking the medications faithfully. I do think the vistaril seems to have some sort of opposite effect on me because I was up until about 3 last night. I feel like my mind and body are separate which makes me feel reckless and dangerous to myself. Like nothing matters.

Maybe I'm not meant to sleep more than 3 to 5 hours per night.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Janet, as others have recommended, if you think you are having a problem with one of your medications, you should call your doctor or the pharmacist. You should not be waiting until your next scheduled appointment.
Actually, it's not a life or death situation and I know the doctor probably has 100 other patients calling about who knows what. I don't see the point in calling. I guess the point is I shouldn't have posted about it over and over without doing anything about it and you're right. I won't do that again.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I'm not chastising you, Janet. I'm reminding you. You are having an unusual reaction which might be related to your medication. That is not a trivial thing and it is something you should "bother" your doctor about. That's not called "bothering" - it's called "collaborative medicine". :)
Well, it's probably all made up in my head anyway, like the crazy thoughts.

I've been in therapy for 8 months now and on medication for 3 months and it just seems like I don't FEEL better. Shouldn't a person start to feel better by now.

At least before the therapy and medication I thought there could be hope to heal, but now that I'm trying it, I want to just give up because it doesn't seem to be helping. Or I"m failing. I guess I am failing the whole thing. Like everything else.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
I've been in therapy for 8 months now and on medication for 3 months and it just seems like I don't FEEL better. Shouldn't a person start to feel better by now.

You've also had several changes of medication in that time, Janet. In nay case, it will take as long as it takes. How long did it take for you to be unhappy and to get to the point where you started therapy? How long did you resist taking medication? Give it time.
I don't think I have any more time. Especially if it is going to take as long to get well as it took me to get here if that's what you're saying.

I've only been on two anti-depressant medications, Luvox and Prozac and then Klonopin was added and now the Vistaril.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Especially if it is going to take as long to get well as it took me to get here if that's what you're saying.

No, that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying it takes work and patience. You've experience a lot of trauma and abuse and damage in your life, and that can't be undone in a few months... especially when some of the abuse is ongoing.
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