More threads by J PTSD


My appointment went well. We are getting my meds straight. And stepping up my visits to once a week. It's official PTSD, at least I have a name, for my mental state.

I hope more therapy will help me get back to work.

Meds will take awhile to kick in if you are changing them i think therapy once a week will be great for you I find work is the only think that keep me stable i hope you get back soon too Im glad you therapy went well and you now have a starting point to get feeling better hugs



It's official PTSD, at least I have a name

Doesn't just knowing what it is help relieve much of the anxiety? With your diagnosis, you can now set out a plan with your doctor/therapist on how to go about taking back control of your life.

Glad to hear of the postivie steps you have made.

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