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As we all know holidays are filled with events that are scary for anyone that is living with an eating disorder. For those of you that don't know these events not only implicate food they also implicate family friends that will comment on how you look how you have changed if it is the case if you lost or gained weight. People may not think that when they see you but you will tell yourself that is hat they are thinking. and there it goes... the obsessive thinking begins and never stops.... why did i wear this, i should have did my hair this way put black instead of white...etc. It's hard. and just saying lets forget all of that and think of something else is not really possible because before even thinking of it it's already there. Your mind is controlled so strongly by the eating disorder that you feel safe in these thoughts because thinking of the real stresses is not that easy. Why not try something new. Take your mother brother sister father or friend aside chose the person you care about and that you trust the most ask them to listen to you open up and trust them. Even if it's a simple word, something that will crack a hole into the hard surface that the eating disorder has created and let a light of hope shine in. You may think no one noticed no one can see what you are feeling but they are not blind they can feel there is something wrong they just sometimes don't know how to approach you, open the door, let them in.. i promise it's not as scary as it seems. they want to help you.

yours truly
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