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Thank you for the suggestion. I've heard the song, and was moved by the lyrics.

I agree with the concept of not taking one's health for granted because without it, one does not have much.


You're welcome, Steve. My family isn't all that healthy, so I know.

I think it's sad that sometimes, it takes an illness before people will appreciate life and people more.


I think its normal to take things for granted, and especially when one is young and healthy the tendency seems to assume we are indestructible and immortal.

As the years add up, and we see friends and family succumb to illness or other tragedies, we begin to ponder our mortality and frailty.

You are quite right about gaining appreciation for life as well as lessening focus on trivial matters following personal illness.


Hi, I had cancer when I was younger.?

The pain was horrible and I wanted the treatments to end also my childhood was pretty rough so I was happy to die (I know that it sounds weird but thats how I felt).?

However, my mother told me in no uncertain terms that treatments were going to continue.?

I survived and the fact my mother treated me the same is a happy memory of that whole event.?

My advice would be to treat that person exactly the same and let him talk about his feelings. Steph


Hi, I am sorry that I posted about my cancer.?

I never tell anyone about it because it really stops a conversation.?

I just thought it might help.?

Again, I am sorry I posted it and I won't mention it again.? Steph

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
No need for apologies, Steph. I don't think it was a "conversation stopper", really, althoiugh I can see why'd you think it was. I think it's just that the conversation had sort of run its course...


Oh, Steph, hon! Your post wasn't a conversation stopper! The last post before yours had been made in November. I didn't even see your new post until now. Don't feel like your post stopped things. In fact, your post has given new life to an older thread. :)

I'm sorry you had to go through such a terrible experience at such a tender age. However, it sounds like you came through it with strength to spare, and your mother was a rock for you to lean on during the hard spots. You've got a lot to be proud of, and you have an experience to share with others who are going through hard times. Sometimes, we need to realize that the hard things that happen to us, while difficult at the time, often give us something to offer another somewhere down the line.
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