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Hi i have anxiety and take alprazolam 0.25 mg but only when i am feeling down which is maybe 2 or 3 times a month ,

i don't really understand how most of the time i am a bubbly cheerful person and then all of a sudden a big cloud comes over and i just feel like bursting into tears , in the last few weeks i have been suffering from dizzy spells or room spinning and don't really know if this can be anything to do with anxiety i have been feeling very tired as been very busy at work , but i do need my work to keep me busy and mind occupied , don't really like discussing this with my doctor as don't really ever talk about what brings my anxiety on i just ask for more prescriptions and because my previous doctor prescribed them new doctor does too .

thanks for all the help you give in this forum

Daniel E.
Re: ups and down

in the last few weeks i have been suffering from dizzy spells or room spining and don't really know if this can be anything to do with anxiety

Other possibilies, in addition to anxiety:

Health Tip: Why is the Room Spinning? - US News and World Report

Regarding anxiety as a cause:

Anxious persons are frequently dizzy. In a good many instances a person who sees a doctor because of dizziness, anxiety is the primary problem.

The majority of persons with vague dizziness they can ill describe have an anxiety equivalent. They are just nervous. This may seem ridiculous at first glance but a number of good studies have shown this to be true and laboratory tests are almost always negative. When a vague nondescript headache accompanies dizziness this is nearly always indicates anxiety. Dizziness, especially vertigo, can sometimes also occur as part of a migraine headache syndrome. Lastly dizziness may be a panic attack equivalent, a kind of agoraphobia, fear of being outside in a public place. Subjects report severe dizziness often accompanied by other symptoms, palpitation, anxiety, sweating, on leaving the safety of their own home, perhaps in going out in a car or in a supermarket or being out in a public place where they may not be able to get into safety, so that they feel there is no escape, should an episode happen to occur. This sensation is most often described as "dizziness", though it is truly a form of phobia or anxiety. So as you can see, we use the history of the complaint to point us in a certain direction. It's the first step in helping you with your problem.

Also, for many people, therapy can be more effective than meds for treating anxiety (especially in the long term), though the ideal is often a combination of both along with exercise, lifestyle changes, etc.

Regarding meds, adding a SNRI like Cymbalta or a SSRI like Lexapro can help with anxiety.
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Re: ups and down

Alua said:
i just ask for more prescriptions and because my previous doctor prescribed them new doctor does too .

This might be a dangerous precedent to set, because as your condition or medical history evolves, changes in medication or dosage may be required.

Why are you apprehensive about talking to your doctor about your medical issues?

Certainly dizziness should be evaluated by your doctor to rule out a number of medical conditions that might require attention and form a precise diagnosis.

Daniel E.
Re: ups and down

Certainly dizziness should be evaluated by your doctor to rule out a number of medical conditions that might require attention and form a precise diagnosis.

Yeah, and the perfect motivator for me would be the show Mystery Diagnosis, where common clusters of symptoms can be overlooked as something benign when there can be an uncommon but potentially fatal cause.

That's why doctors get the big bucks :)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Hi i have anxiety and take alprazolam 0.25 mg but only when i am feeling down which is maybe 2 or 3 times a month


Are you saying that you only take the alprazolam only when you are feeling depressed?

Alprazolam (Xanax) is an anxiolytic, i.e., a tranquilizer. If you're experiencing bouts of depression, this is the wrong type of medication to take since it may increase your depressed mood.


Hi thanks for all the replies , i will make an appointment with my gp this week i was originally given the alprazolam to take when i had palpitations but do take them aswell when i am feeling everything is geting to much for me .I avoid talking to doctor about this as it all has to do with things i went through as a child thay i feel unable to speak about face to face with anyone .Maybe will post my story in another post and see what you think .
Thanks Again:thankyou2:
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