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Over the last week or so i have been hearing voices from the tv telling me that spies are watching me i also hear other voices as well
the voices from the tv are disguised like they don't want me to know who they are .

The spies have been watching me for months now and are fallowing me everywhere ...One was at the drs the other day and was staring at me the whole time

The dr and my husband think am delusional because i said to them i went back in time and saved my dad from killing himself but they said he is dead

things just don't add up at all

My husband said i haven't been to my mums since Christmas ( i don't go out often due to social anxiety ) but in the drs i said i was at my mums a week ago

Its all confusing

The dr has increased my medication but am worried about side effects on the high doses and am not sure if i should take them or not
so far today i have taken my medication and i haven't had any side effects

i cant remember the name of the pills that where put up

Am on 2 different anti psychotics :geek:

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Katz, the things you describe are common symptoms of schizophrenia.

Please follow the recommendations of your doctors - take the medications regularly. If you are worried about side-effects, talk to your doctors about that. In most cases, they can reassure you that your worries are unfounded. In the event that they are actual side-effects of the medications, there are alternative medications that your doctors can prescribe instead.
Hi Kats you have family members living with you hun that you trust and that can tell you when you are having psychotic moments so try to listen to your family for guidance

Take your medications ok as your doctor has prescribed them because it will help the voices go away and the fear also

I am glad you are taking your meds as you said and i hope you continue to do so hun. Let us know how you are feeling later ok hugs


yes i have my husband he makes sure i take my medication we talked about the medication side of things the other night my husband said that i could be on the higher doses only for a little while i hope he is right
Today i made an appointment with a psych not my psych as he is off sick on Monday
Ill keep taking my medication as per usual
i have no side effects as so far
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