Glad the discussion has been of use, Je9je9 - hope we haven't seemed like hijacking too much with the fascination of each other's thought styles!
The sounds match the chronology and the reality of where the thought is set. If it's something from the past, something I said, then my voice will match that time period. The movies are basically quite 'realistic' almost all of the time, and the details fit the reality of the 'situation' or 'setting' of the thought.
(Hmm interesting that I say that actually.... because during a time of quite a bit of depression, the 'realism' of the movies will be off - but it's hard to see that until I'm feeling better. Also of course they are about nastier subject matter and my brain has little ability to invent decent outcomes or positive events in the movie.... quite unredeeming tragedy really - and featuring pretty unlikeable characters who don't like me, for various possible or totally invented reasons, and that can include myself haha. The thoughts and movies start to fit the horrible setting that I start seeing as 'reality'; but which is more depression. Some thoughts, settings, views of people much more than others; but yeah. Interestingly, in my more recent episode, the depression wasn't new to me and I sort of... 'had its number' more... On some level, I knew that this movie was depression.... And yet at the same time, on some other level, there was belief in it too. Like I knew I was having depression... and yet, many times, I could not necessarily realise to myself "Oh yeah, this is depression, that's what this is' - when particular thoughts struck me. I would realise at some point, but at the point of having them, often not.)
So that kind of answers some of your other questions. If I'm feeling bad the thoughts won't generally be about things that i'm going to say, so there isn't a voice. The thought's likely to be say, a picture of the person who I'm worrying about and how I imagine they are going to look - say, a face wearing a cross or upset look, if I think I've done something wrong. Sometimes, just a picture of me in the situation that I'm in or worrying about. If I do berate myself, I think that's more visual too. A picture of me failing or appearing pathetic.
Guess I am quite visual.
(Hmm, that's interesting too. If someone is having a problem with me, but I know I have not done something wrong and it's their problem... and I can not approve of it, but not let it get to me... then I will be thinking those unpleasant thoughts less in the first place. But even if I do a bit, they'll be kind of more blurry; less unpleasant clarity and not much ability to hurt me; also the person will seem sort of more human and vulnerable and I'm seeing them that way. If I know I'm not wrong but it has been a pretty big deal, quite a big fault on the part of the person, and I'm still quite upset, then I get more like... ANNOYING images of the person. They look more infuriating and pathetic and are painted with a bit of a dark, faulty aura.
Something has to be pretty chronic and major for my brain to start painting that way though. And actually, that's a situation where I do hear my voice a lot - that will be one of the situations where I'll hear my voice saying what I'd like to say, or what I ended up saying to the person about it.)
YES I can and do think about a ton of things at the same time, and have like different 'levels' of thoughts. It depends on the situation, whether or not I can give good focus to those multiple things at once. In your example of the conversation, I don't think I could be quite paying the fullest or best attention to the conversation if I was also thinking the other thoughts. But I used to do audiotyping for work, and I could completely listen to the audio, understand and type the words, follow rules of the job in how I'm doing it, etc, and at the same time think about a bunch of other stuff. It just depends.
Wow, it sounds like you get an AMAZING experience from reading! That's pretty cool. I really enjoy something that's up my alley, but I certainly don't get background music, and while I do get the sense of images and sounds and things, it sort of varies in how vivid and clear it is. Sometimes there's quite a bit of detail and clarity, but I think it's a lot more vague still than what you're describing. The images flash and go sort of very quickly, and mix with vagueness. That's true of all my thoughts, my 'movies'. Maybe that's to do with them being interspersed with words and concepts... Don't know... The different ways the thoughts present, interrupting the flow...?
Really quite fascinating discussing this, haha.
Do your thoughts ever sound younger or older than what you are?
The sounds match the chronology and the reality of where the thought is set. If it's something from the past, something I said, then my voice will match that time period. The movies are basically quite 'realistic' almost all of the time, and the details fit the reality of the 'situation' or 'setting' of the thought.
(Hmm interesting that I say that actually.... because during a time of quite a bit of depression, the 'realism' of the movies will be off - but it's hard to see that until I'm feeling better. Also of course they are about nastier subject matter and my brain has little ability to invent decent outcomes or positive events in the movie.... quite unredeeming tragedy really - and featuring pretty unlikeable characters who don't like me, for various possible or totally invented reasons, and that can include myself haha. The thoughts and movies start to fit the horrible setting that I start seeing as 'reality'; but which is more depression. Some thoughts, settings, views of people much more than others; but yeah. Interestingly, in my more recent episode, the depression wasn't new to me and I sort of... 'had its number' more... On some level, I knew that this movie was depression.... And yet at the same time, on some other level, there was belief in it too. Like I knew I was having depression... and yet, many times, I could not necessarily realise to myself "Oh yeah, this is depression, that's what this is' - when particular thoughts struck me. I would realise at some point, but at the point of having them, often not.)
So that kind of answers some of your other questions. If I'm feeling bad the thoughts won't generally be about things that i'm going to say, so there isn't a voice. The thought's likely to be say, a picture of the person who I'm worrying about and how I imagine they are going to look - say, a face wearing a cross or upset look, if I think I've done something wrong. Sometimes, just a picture of me in the situation that I'm in or worrying about. If I do berate myself, I think that's more visual too. A picture of me failing or appearing pathetic.
(Hmm, that's interesting too. If someone is having a problem with me, but I know I have not done something wrong and it's their problem... and I can not approve of it, but not let it get to me... then I will be thinking those unpleasant thoughts less in the first place. But even if I do a bit, they'll be kind of more blurry; less unpleasant clarity and not much ability to hurt me; also the person will seem sort of more human and vulnerable and I'm seeing them that way. If I know I'm not wrong but it has been a pretty big deal, quite a big fault on the part of the person, and I'm still quite upset, then I get more like... ANNOYING images of the person. They look more infuriating and pathetic and are painted with a bit of a dark, faulty aura.
YES I can and do think about a ton of things at the same time, and have like different 'levels' of thoughts. It depends on the situation, whether or not I can give good focus to those multiple things at once. In your example of the conversation, I don't think I could be quite paying the fullest or best attention to the conversation if I was also thinking the other thoughts. But I used to do audiotyping for work, and I could completely listen to the audio, understand and type the words, follow rules of the job in how I'm doing it, etc, and at the same time think about a bunch of other stuff. It just depends.
Wow, it sounds like you get an AMAZING experience from reading! That's pretty cool. I really enjoy something that's up my alley, but I certainly don't get background music, and while I do get the sense of images and sounds and things, it sort of varies in how vivid and clear it is. Sometimes there's quite a bit of detail and clarity, but I think it's a lot more vague still than what you're describing. The images flash and go sort of very quickly, and mix with vagueness. That's true of all my thoughts, my 'movies'. Maybe that's to do with them being interspersed with words and concepts... Don't know... The different ways the thoughts present, interrupting the flow...?
Really quite fascinating discussing this, haha.