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do people with schizoprenia hear voices inside or outside of their heads?
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If I understand your question correctly, you wish to know the method or even the dynamics of how voices interact with someone with the illness of schizophrenia.

This is how Dr. David Baxter described it to us:

"Command hallucinations" are voices or messages from the radio or TV telling (ordering/commanding) the individual to do certain things, usually involving harming himself or someone else.

The voices are heard in the person's mind, so someone standing by would not hear the commands veing directed to the person with schizophrenia. The voices are hallucinatory and are in the mind of the person with schizophrenia.

It's an interesting question, Voices. Why are you interested in this topic?
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Hi Steve

Although the voices are a product of the mind, don't they appear to come from outside of your head? At least that's what I heard.


Global Moderator & Practitioner
Historically, I believe that people spent a lot of time and energy asking and trying to sort out whether the "voices" are inside someone's head, or outside ..... And yes. I believe that historically, it was believed that the auditory hallucinations experienced by people who struggled with schizophrenia were experienced to be "outside". I think that now there is a much greater emphasis on whether other people could or would hear the same voices. Or is it something that only that individual experiences? And, is the phenomenon of hearing voice(s) a true hallucination (that is, occurs without any stimulation)? Or is it more like an illusion (where there is misinterpretation of stimulus .... so, for example, a car horn honking might be misinterpreted as a voice yelling)?

ummm .... I am not sure when / where / the context that Dr. Baxter defined command hallucinations, as quoted above by Steve. I am under the impression that command hallucinations are hallucinations that literally give commands, and are heard by someone. I think that misinterpreting something on the TV or radio (or newspapers, or these days, the internet) to have specific meaning meant for a particular person, is more usually described as "ideas of reference".


Just joining in the conversation. :)
Schizophrenia is definitely a hard illness to figure out. Personally I think it's an individual thing when it comes to who hears what. Also I believe it is a true hallucination with or without stimulus. Kind of a hard thing to figure out with so many people with the illness having similar to extremely different symptoms I guess. :)

I think a lot of people with schizophrenia hear things coming from anything from a tv to a air conditioner to a microwave I don't think it is a misinterpretation just from things that have people speaking like the tv/radio (maybe sometimes obviously) . For example hearing the air conditioner tell them to stay away from the food in the fridge because someone poisoned it. That's the way I see it personally. That's the way I took command hallucinations as well.

All I know is that it would be absolutely awesome if a cure for this horrible illness was discovered.:2thumbs:

I may have totally misunderstood what you meant lol I am good at that so sorry if I did. :)


Dragonfly said:
I am not sure when / where / the context that Dr. Baxter defined command hallucinations, as quoted above by Steve.

Thank you for your comment, Dragonfly.

The quote was indeed taken in the context of my having asked for the definition of "command halucinations" on a previous occasion; the context in which I thought the question asked by "Voices" was being made.

I confess I know little about this subject, and if my reference to Dr. Baxter's definition was not relevant to the original question, I apologize and will defer to those familiar with the topic.


Global Moderator & Practitioner
All I know is that it would be absolutely awesome if a cure for this horrible illness was discovered.:2thumbs:

I may have totally misunderstood what you meant lol I am good at that so sorry if I did. :)

STP - absolutely no apologies needed. I look for your comments on the various forums, specifically because you are so often on target and have something really insightful to [say] that I learn from. Yes. Schizophrenia has got to be a terrible illness to have to deal with - both for the person themselves, and for the people around that person. I think that in some ways, we are better at treating some of the symptoms than years ago, but I really believe that we have a long, long way to go before we can cure it. My hope (I am ever the hopeful one ....) is that it will happen in my lifetime. I would so celebrate!


Thank you Dragonfly that's sweet of you to say. :eek:
I agree, there is a very long way to go. Tomorrow couldn't be soon enough. Scientists are working on it so never say never, right. ;)


Hello Friends, I've been taking Xanax since 1995. When I forget to go to my doctor for refills , it usally takes 2-3 days to see my doctor, during this period of time I slowly begin to hear voices. These voices don't tell me to act on anything, e.g commands to do things, the best way I can describe it is there seems to be numerous background voices which I can't understand, e.g '' just like being in a crowded airport '' The longer I'm off the med. it seems these background voices become louder. As soon as I start taking Xanax this voices disappear within a few hours. Anyone have the same experience taking Xanax or any other med. Thanks .... George
I have been told the voices like you have stated George sound like your are in a crowded restarant and all muffled and you can understand what is being said but then as said if meds are not taken the voice become clearer and more frightening With medication the voices are silenced


Hello Eclipse, thanks for your post. You are correct and in fact your example about a crowded restaurant is much better of an example than a airport. Anyway if you ever see another post about this please contact me anytime. Thanks again, George
i typed wrong in my response i meant to say you cannot hear what is being said it is all muffled but when meds stopped voices are louder and with each day they become more clear that is how it was described to me
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