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I have some questions about waking up paralyzed. Has anyone ever experienced this, or is it just me? A year ago I went off my medication, clozapine, because it was making me wake up most nights paralyzed.

I would wake up and look at the clock. It would usually be around 2am. I could hear anything that was going on. I could hear the tv in the next room if it was left on, or the tap in the bathroom dripping, or whatever was making noise at that time. I could see the dog twitching from a bad drem at the end of the bed. I would go to move, but I couldn't. I was completely paralyzed. I would go to scream, but I couldn't get anything out. This was the scariest feeling in the entire world.

I told my doctor, but she said it was nothing. I stayed on the clozapine for another couple of months, because it was the only drug that was doing anything for me.

After waking up paralyzed most nights, I couldn't stand it anymore. I would try to stay awake all night, so I wouldn't need to go through it. I couldn't stay awake 24/7, so I told my doctor I was going off the drug. She highly advised me not to, but she obviously didn't know the fear and panic of waking up in the middle of the night not being able to move.

Since I have stopped taking clozapine, I have not had this happen again. I have severe insomnia now, but I take zopiclone at night to fix that. Has anyone else ever had this happen? My doctor looked at me strange when I brought it up to her a while back. What causes it? Is there an actual name for it? Thanks for reading.
I was not on any medication when this happened to me It was very frightening and it seemed like forever before the paralysis left. Very interesting read thanks
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