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Resident Canuck
I like many others have an alarm clock to use to wake up. Now that I am off work I don't use it often.

My biggest problem with this, is it startles me out of sleep and sometimes into an anxiety attack in the moring. It is almost like in the morning, I can't figure out what the noise. Being half asleep and difficult to pull out of a sleep state gets me into a worried state some times.

I have tried rising to classical music, talk radio and other music with no luck.

I asked my mom a few times if she would wake me and she screamed my name from my bedroom door. :panic: I then asked if she would just rub my foot and call my name quietly, that even that scared me. :blush:

Does anyone have any ideas on how to wake up at a certian time, but not being jossled out of bed?

I saw clocks where it has a light on it that gets slowly brighter and ones with "natural" sounds. Anyone tried these?


Account Closed
...sorry NicNak - I'm more of a jumpy person myself. Although there are now alarm clocks where the music progressively gets louder....would this help you?


Another option is a dual alarm clock. This allows the option of setting the first wake-up time to music and the second wake-up time to alarm. They are usually a bit more expensive but I think well worth it for the various options. I almost never set my alarm because if my bird does not wake me then my cat will. :heart: Mari


Resident Canuck
Ahh, that's a great idea Mari. I should get a dog :D I would love to have a dog.

My cat only wakes up my mom in the morning. With her luck, the dog and cat would wake her up haa haa haa

I will for sure check those alarm clocks too and see what options they have for them that might not be startling.
Alarm clocks are way too alarming for me too. I tried one that had radio, which wasn't quite as bad. I found that putting it off-station (so intentionally listening to static) and at a low volume would work best for me - I'd gradually wake up each morning while trying to recognise what was making that irritating noise. :)

(Full volume static is quite terrifying to wake up to, so is definitely not recommended.)

Good luck with this NicNak.


Resident Canuck
Thanks Gooblax. That's another good idea to have it on static....I might try that tomorrow and see how it works. Since I have the clock radio anyway, already.


Hi NN,

There are alarms in the deaf community that vibrate, so you could look at something like that. I'm not sure if the sensation would heighten your anxiety more or less. I suppose it could go either way. It's just an option besides some form of noise waking you up...


Resident Canuck
Thanks Turtle. :turtle4: I might be able to purchase one of those at the local Wallymart here, there is a hearing centre there..


Hi NicNak

I also find that if I'm woken too quickly by a noise, even the radio alarm that I am nervous all day.

I have two arlarm clocks. One is set to go off to classical music radio channel very very softly, so that I can hardly hear it at all. The second one goes off ten minutes later, to a radio station in which the presenters talk in a quiet way. That's a bit louder.

Don't know if it would work for you. Perhaps the static that an earlier response would work better for you.

Just thought I'd add my two bits :)

(Talking of sleep, I have two more pages to look at then that's where I'm heading..

Good night,


Daniel E.
amastie said:
I have two arlarm clocks. One is set to go off to classical music radio channel very very softly, so that I can hardly hear it at all. The second one goes off ten minutes later, to a radio station in which the presenters talk in a quiet way. That's a bit louder.



Resident Canuck
Thanks Amastie, that is a great suggestion too.

Wow, lots of ideas on how to make this easier from you folks.

Thanks so much to all :D


Resident Canuck
i have a dawn simulator and i like it much better than the jolt of a radio alarm clock. the light increases gradually and it is a really gentle way of being woken up.

here's a thread that might be helpful if you want to get one. Lightbox Therapy as a treatment for non-seasonal depression as well? - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Support Forum

Thanks Into The Light. I will check that link for sure :D

That's better than my idea of being woken up by the smell of burning coffee:

The coffee thing might work too. Just the aroma of brewing coffee could wake me. Provided it isn't burning like you mentioned. I have a major fear of fire. :panic:

Or how my brother use to wake me up, but flinging pennies into my room haa haa haa.

I had a really cute wake up this today actually. My sweet cat Jewel, was gently patting my face with her paw and nuzzling my head. :cat:

Since I am not afraid of water, maybe I should rig something up to soak me with a bucket of water to get me out of bed :crazy:

I can think of a bunch of goofy ideas, but probably not so practical haa haa haa

Thanks for all your ideas :D


I'm probably not a good person to talk to about this, because I have the same reaction. My solution has been to only use the alarm clock (in my case, my cell phone) when absolutely necessary. Come to think of it, that will happen tomorrow morning, unless I awaken naturally, as usual. Last time I didn't (awaken naturally), and it startled me and sent my heart racing for a minute or two, but I dealt with it because I knew I had to get to the train station on time, and I figured it only happens once in a while. Also, if I do happen to awaken early, I turn off the alarm clock and make sure I get up - I don't roll over. Maybe that helps.
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