More threads by gaurdianAQ

so I was browsing the tourettes forum the other day... and realizing how dead it was I saw steve post a link to this site... so I figured I would pop over and see what I could learn here and if applicable give my advice...

soooo basically hello psychlinks from hanover ontario!

oh by the way you can call me evan or gaurdian... up to you!


Hello Evan and welcome. Like you I'm sorry to see the TSFC forum abandoned, and hopefully a future board of directors will undderstand its value and provide resources to keep it alive. I was a long time supporter of TSFC and I wish them well in their future endeavors.

In the meantime feel free to look around Psychlinks where you will notice we not only have a section dedicated to Tourette but a broad selection of topics you may find interesting and informative. In addition we try to have a bit of fun as well in the Waiting Room area.

Make yourself at home and feel free to join in any of the ongoing discussions or start some of your own.

Hope you enjoy Psychlinks!
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