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[DEF][/DEF]About four weeks ago I went on a diet b/c I am significantly obese and decided that I needed to take a positive step for my health...I'm doing well and loosing weight...but only a few days after going on my diet I started cutting I am back to cutting daily...this is a problem that I have struggled with for about four years now but I had been free from self injuring for almost a year now so it was a shock to me how quickly the urges returned. Part of me feels like that b/c I stopped using food as a coping mechanism which makes me afraid to stop self injuring b/c I'm afraid I would not be able to stick with my diet...I don't know...I know that I am stuck in that place between wanting to stop and needing to hold on to this coping mechanism...need advice

Daniel E.
Part of me feels like that b/c I stopped using food as a coping mechanism which makes me afraid to stop self injuring b/c I'm afraid I would not be able to stick with my diet...

That certainly seems very plausible and is the case with some people. Of course, it would help to see a therapist again now if you aren't already to help you cope.

Also, it may be that your diet is too strict at this point. A gradual approach is often recommended. If your insurance pays for it, you may want to see a dietitian for a consult.
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I can absolutely relate to every word that you have said. I too have been and currently struggle with the same thing. What I found with myself was that everytime I took away another form of "escaping" as I call it, something else got worse. What I found the hardest though was giving up the food I used for comfort. I have always had that as a backup "escape" when I tried to stop the others (cutting, taking pills etc.).

I think what Daniel said about your diet possibly being too restrictive makes a lot of sense. I know that when I do something whether it be deciding to lose weight, stop cutting or whatever, I do it to the extreme.... all or nothing sort of thing but normally this just sets me up for failure.

What I have found that is working best for me at the moment is trying to remember that I don't need to be perfect and if I have had a difficult/bad day then I try not to beat myself up for it. I try my best everyday and that is all that I can ask. If I have a "bad" day then I recognize it and try to remember that tomorrow is another day to try my best again.

Another thing that has really really helped me is journalling. I find that when I get that urge to either eat for comfort or SI that I immediately go to my journal and start to write and usually I get to the root of what is upsetting me that is making me want to eat or cut or whatever.

I don't know if any of this resonates with you or helps at all but reading your post definitely resonated with me.

Take care
:hug: :hug:
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