More threads by ladylore


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My turn. :D

During the recovery process, be it from depression, addictions or others we gather different resources/tools that help us stay on the track of wellbeing. Ones that are used in good times and also in the not so good times. Tools that you have come to rely on and know that work for you.

With that:

What is your current favorite tool?

What other tools are in your tool box that really work for you?

Since I am posing the question I will go first.

What is your current favorite tool?

Butterfly hug - I hug myself and alternately tap on my arms while I hug myself. Helps to calm me.

What other tools are in your tool box that really work for you?

CBT Cognitive Behavioural Therapy - especially reframing my thoughts to put a more positive, truthful swing on things.

My daily visit to a coffee house - I get to people watch and hang out.

I have others just can't think of them at the moment. :D


A similar question was asked at our last group meeting and evereyone was :think: :unsure: :blank: and I am quite sure it will be asked again. Each one of us needs answers and I think your posting is invalueable. How do we manage day to day when our therapist or good friend is not available?

Now I am thinking because I certainly need help here. :think:

Step outside for a few minutes.
Check this forum for reminder tips.

Thanks ladylore. I hope people will respond to this and that I can take some of the tips to our next meeting. :heart: Mari


What is your current favorite tool?

Insight - Journalling - Making connections from past to present

What other tools are in your tool box that really work for you?

Dream work
Online jigsaw puzzles
Word search puzzles
Wrapping myself up in my duvet or a soft blanket
Drawing - art therapy style
Writing poetry


What is your current favorite tool?
Replacing negative thoughts with positive ones.Trying to come up with positive words to replace negative words..I have made a game of it

What other tools are in your tool box that really work for you?
Brisk walking
Exercise class
Centering myself in the moment


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What other tools are in your tool box that really work for you?

Here are some others that I couldn't think of last night:
Visualizations (my safe place, vaccumming exercise etc.)
Art therapy
Psychlinks (connecting with others)
Cleaning (seems to be popular among us. :D)
Doing washing by hand
When given advice - I always ask "where is this coming from?" and "Who is this person to me?" I follow my instincts
Try to keep the philosophy that Life is an adventure.
great thread!

1. psychlinks (daily) to connect at a deeper level with people
2. journaling (not daily but every two to three days) to work out what's on my mind
3. cbt mood logs (when i'm really stuck and upset) - i have trouble making myself use this when i know it would be helpful.
4. treating myself to a hot cup of tea and a couple of cookies when i feel vulnerable as a means of comfort.


What is your current favorite tool?

Journalling daily (recap my day, vent and get things out of my head)

What other tools are in your tool box that really work for you?

Psychlinks daily (to connect with people on a deeper level)
Online puzzles and games (distraction)
Fuzzy socks and warm pjs with a blanket. (comfort myself)
Writing poetry (expression of specific thoughts)
TV (distraction)
Reading (distraction)
Surfing the net for screensavers, avatars and desktop themes (distraction)


Fuzzy socks RULE!!!! :yahoo:

AHHH....what am I going to do in the summer when its too hot for fuzzy socks :panic:


Actually I just remembered that we got central air put in last year so it was quite cool in our house....YES!!!! I get to keep the fuzzy socks :2thumbs: :yahoo:


Resident Canuck
That sounds really interesting Daniel! :D

Not sure if I should answer this question :lol:

what is your current favorite tool?

Sleeping :sleep:

what other tools are in your tool box that really work for you?

A drive to the lake to see the birds.
My cat
Psychlinks, especially Daniel's funny jokes :)
Going to visit the Turtle rescue
My understanding friends


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listening to music
gym / working out
daydreaming while I do all of the above...


It happens sometimes. I lose my toolbox for a week or more, only to trip on the treasure chest that it really still is for me. :)
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