More threads by ladylore


...I think your posting is invalueable....
Totally agree!
One of my 3 favourite threads, along with "2 Positive things" and "'The things that are good about me' log".
Will read more and respond again..

amastie added 54 Minutes and 11 Seconds later...

...Psychlinks, .especially Daniel's funny jokes :)..

Favourite one at present is, without a doubt, PsychLinks *including* Daniel's resources!

My most effective tool lifelong, when I can do it, is my meditation
My strongly held Spiritual beliefs
Having soimeone to care about
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I have a list of question that I keep with me at all times. If no one is available and I am distressed I take the questions out and figure things out that way.

I love your link too Daniel. :goodjob:


That reminds me LL,

I also keep a list on me. For some reason (probably to do with resisting *being* positive) I keep forgetting to look at them :bonk:

I have made different helpful lists over the years, but the one that most easily comes to mind, and is always helpful in bringing myself out of a down is a simple list of 7 things which, when I reflect on them, pull me up:

1. (rippling) water
2. garden/flowers
3. rainbow
4. light
5. streamers
6. butterflies
7. 'Unseen Radiance' (which I picture as a beautiful, ethereal light imbuing everything with radiance)
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