Maybe it's a form of dissociation, but I don't feel alive. I can't feel my existence. It's as if I'm in a dream.
I have a bit of an eating dissorder because food is one of the things I use to stimulate my senses. Food, caffeine, alcohol, and incense, blast my music, blast the air conditioning... anything. I recently started EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), but I didn't get the treatment this passed session, because my therapist was worried since I haven't been feeling too good lately. A few days after my first session, I could "un-freeze" myself. But now I'm frozen again, with no feelings. Do you have any explanation of this or do you have any tips other than what I'm already doing? Thank you so much
I have a bit of an eating dissorder because food is one of the things I use to stimulate my senses. Food, caffeine, alcohol, and incense, blast my music, blast the air conditioning... anything. I recently started EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), but I didn't get the treatment this passed session, because my therapist was worried since I haven't been feeling too good lately. A few days after my first session, I could "un-freeze" myself. But now I'm frozen again, with no feelings. Do you have any explanation of this or do you have any tips other than what I'm already doing? Thank you so much