More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A Family Guide: What Families Should Know About Adolescent Depression
June 17, 2005

Adolescence is a time of many changes and challenges. Developing bodies and social and academic stresses make for a difficult period for many teens. Yet most teens get through these years with only short-term feelings of sadness or irritability. While people sometimes use the word “depressed” to describe how they feel, there is also a psychiatric disorder known as “clinical depression” or “major depression.” To learn more about adolescent depression and treatment options download the Family Guide below.

A Family Guide: Adolescent Depression and Treatment Options (PDF, 227 KB) (PDF File)

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
A Family Guide: What Families Should Know About Adolescent Depression
June 17, 2005

Adolescence is a time of many changes and challenges. Developing bodies and social and academic stresses make for a difficult period for many teens. Yet most teens get through these years with only short-term feelings of sadness or irritability. While people sometimes use the word “depressed” to describe how they feel, there is also a psychiatric disorder known as “clinical depression” or “major depression.” To learn more about adolescent depression and treatment options download the Family Guide below.

A Family Guide: Adolescent Depression and Treatment Options (PDF, 227 KB) (PDF File)
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