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Sometimes, we learn the strangest things about ourselves, accidentally.

Such as...

I've learned that I can't type laying down in bed. I make way too many typos.

What have you learned about yourself, by sheer accidental discovery?


I have learned that I pick my mood up hugely when I'm down by giving myslef small gifts like picking a flower and sticking it in my hair as I take a walk ... Picking up a rock and polish it and add it to a potplant at home or make a small neclace with it ... small litte things from the earth!

PS* I also struggle to type lying down :dimples:

Have a great day!


Just comes to me now..
I easily forget the many, often important small things I learn (of course, thereby having to make the same mistakes over again <lol>)


Account Closed
What I have learned is how easy it is to make lattes and mochas at home.

Latte - quarter cup coffee, fill the rest with milk and pop it in the microwave for a few minutes.

Mocha - add a spoonful of instant hot chocolate to a cup of coffee.

I was amazed I didn't pick up on this sooner, it just dawned on my one day this past summer. :lightbulb:
This is a really nice thread Turtle ,
I learnt recently that I actually enjoy cooking and talking about food, must be the new efficient gas cooker and all those poutine conversations here :D

incidently can one make poutine at home ? :)

Daniel E.
incidently can one make poutine at home ? :)

:D Yes, of course. It's just french fries, gravy, and cheese curds (which can be inauthentically substituted with mozallera or stringed mozzarela). I haven't made a 100% authentic dish of it yet, but I would prefer using the easy method of frozen home fries from the grocery store (as my store has a gourmet brand with olive oil and sea salt) along with cheese curds and a homeade red-wine brown gravy.

References (mentioned here):

Poutine Primer
Bonnie Stern: Homey poutine goes upscale - The Appetizer
Potato Champion Belgian Style Frites, French Fries and Poutine
Marion Kane - Blog -- Poutine pilgrimage yields war of the curds

But if you want something healthier, you can always make a smoothie with spinach :)


Resident Canuck
I learned today that I am a computer hardware idiot :fool:

Tried to hook up wireless.....:vent::banghead::hair::panic:

Got everything hooked up and installed. Then tried to connect and it wouldn't connect.

Then I made the most idiotic decision of all and tried to get windows to "diagnose" the problem. Somehow the wireless connection I created vanished.

So I calmly disconnected the wireless thingie, put it back into the box, placed it back into the store bag and tomorrow I shall return it.

I won't probably attempt that again for another 6 months. I was trying to figure it out for over an hour.

But! an excellent thing! I remained calm through the entire thing and took it all in stride. Neither the laptop or the modem are outside on the lawn. :lol:
What I've learned is that the moon looks awesome when observed through a window on a partially cloudy night.

But! an excellent thing! I remained calm through the entire thing and took it all in stride. Neither the laptop or the modem are outside on the lawn. :lol:
:support: Well done on remaining calm. :) I've never bothered with wireless (have enough connection problems with wires let alone without)... but you should have seen my crazy set-up a couple of years ago.

I had the line going into a modem with a single port (also split to the fax machine and other telephone), then the modem to a router (multiport) and then to both computers. It sounds simple enough, but when I tried to draw it (to remember how it went in case we had to dismantle it), there were wires everywhere. :lol:


Resident Canuck
:teehee: That's funny Gooblax.

I just thought of what Kenny Rogers said (way before your time, and mine too, my parents listened to this song :blush:)

The Gambler - Kenny Rogers
You got to know when to hold em, know when to fold em,
Know when to walk away and know when to run.
You never count your money when youre sittin at the table.
Therell be time enough for countin when the dealins done.

So interms of the wireless, I folded :teehee:


As for your question Turtle, I have learned recently that you are only given one body in this life and no matter how young or old you are it can all be gone faster than you know it so take care of the one that you have.


Resident Canuck
I have learned that it is possible to trust and believe that someone cares.

That is a great thing Halo to learn.

There are still good people in this world. Those are the ones I try to focus on. Try to keep myself positive and not let negativity affect me.

My friend gave me weird looks a few days ago, when a lady was having a difficult time getting her child out of a cart at Wallmart. I held onto the cart, so she could just focus on holding her child.

Those things take 2 seconds to do, but it keeps people positive and reminds them, there is still good in others.


The trust I have is only in one person, but it is a start and I do believe that there is good people in the world.
your friend gave you a weird look? i'm sitting here with a weird look on my face wondering why she thought it was odd you were helping this person. :lol:

there are good people in this world. lots of them. :)
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