A couple of months ago my husband and a few friends went out of state to visit a friend. On one night, they all got very drunk, and my husband and one of the friends ended up in a very seedy strip club while the other friends went to eat something. My husband said he was approached by one of the girls in the club, but after he told her he didn't have any money, he was left alone. In the meantime, the other friend disappeared, and when the other friends returned from eating, they were denied access to where the missing friend was. The next thing my husband knew, police showed up because the other friends became very concerned about the missing friend (apparently the guy they were all visiting didn't want them to go in there to begin with). After the police informed them that they couldn't do anything, my husband went looking for the friend and found him behind a curtain with a woman in lingerie sitting on his lap, apparently receiving a lap dance. My husband apologized for interrupting and waited outside that area for about a minute, at which time his friend emerged. The next morning the friend who disappeared received a phone call because his credit card company was concerned about a charge for several hundred dollars placed on his card the night before by the strip club. When my husband returned home, I could tell he was not being very honest about what went on that night (he had given me some details), and after I confronted him, he told me about what his friend did and the charge on the card. The friend had asked all the guys to never tell anyone, and that he would find a way to hide what happened from his wife. My husband believes that the place just took advantage of a very drunk man and charged up his card, but even by his account, the friend was gone for a long time. I promised my husband that I wouldn't say anything to the friend's wife, but I feel very uncomfortable with the position we are in. We have known this couple for more than fifteen years. Given the charge on the card, I think it is likely the wife will discover something, and then be upset at us as well since my husband was one of the "idiots" that behaved badly that night. Her husband was also the one bent on visiting such a place prior to the guys all becoming drunk. What is my responsibility here? I strongly believe that friend owes his wife the truth, but I don't feel comfortable involving myself in their marriage (which has been rocky at times). Any thoughts? I feel really bad for her, and I am upset with him for trying to create secrecy between my husband and myself.