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toeless, that' such great news!!!! I guess there's a reason for everything, maybe the other guy just wasn't the right guy at the right time.. and this one will be. you've had your share of troubles trying to find someone but persistance paid off.. honestly, it doesn't matter how much anyone else thinks you shouldn't go, if you feel like it'd be helpful then that's what's right for you...


Hello, Thanks you guys for all of your encouragment! I was really suprised when I logged on and found all of your support. Thanks it means a lot. This is such a cool virtual community...I was going to say little virtual community but actually it is huge!

I will let you guys know how it goes.

Actually today I received a msg from the psychologist who didn't call me back's receptionist saying that he was on vacation (must have been a couple weeks) and that he was back and had openings this week. I really don't know why he didn't put that info on his msg machine. But anyway at first I felt really torn because the location is sooo much closer than the guy I really like. However, after mulling it over I think it is best to stay with my favorite. He is a prompt message returner and I think that is a really important quality in a person (promptness that is). I was planning on coming home and writing and seeing what you guys thought I should do but then I told myself that I could figure out what I wanted to do. So I think I will stick with the long distance person. I'm sure that if it turns out that we can work together well it will be worth the drive.

I will totally tell you guys how it goes. I'm actually still really excited. It is hard to wait two whole weeks. Now I feel like if I have a problem that there is hope that it can be dealt with.
I would never have even tried to go to a psychologist if it weren't for this website, let alone tried so many times.

To be continued...


I think also that it is exciting to try something new and to think about the different possible outcomes. I am also really excited to get a fresh perspective on things. It's also nice to be more proactive and less reactive. I think it gives a sense of having more control over the situation.=)


sometimes you just have to make a decision and stick w/ that decision and hope for the best... the psychologist that you have an appt. w/ now sounds like a good fit for you and you're already willing to take that extra step and go the distance (literally)- that's a good sign! at least you know though that it had nothing to do w/ you that the other guy didn't call you back!
I know what you mean about almost being excited in a weird way to 'get things started" w/ a therapist.... I'm not as close as you are, but as much as I dread going I also want to go- and that's exciting to actually want to change and have some hope that it's possible to work through things...


Yea, I know what you mean, sometimes it is so hard to take your own advice, isn't it?! Things look so much more clear from a distance. However, I totally think that you should go to therapy too. Now would be a perfect time, we could do it at the same time...everything's easier if you do it with a friend, right? You probably have no idea what a deep seeded resentment I had toward therapy (based on being forced to go as a child completely against my will) and if I can do it, anyone can. Of course, it's probably a little early to say that, as I haven't actually done anything but make an apointment yet!

lets both time like the present=)
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