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CL - not saying at all that I feel better off meds than on. Just saying that sometimes I feel like they aren't working, or aren't the right combo. I think my biggest issues are irritability and depression, and I still feel really I think some adjustments are in order.

Gotcha. I definately have more highs than lows and because of that, have thought about not taking anything. I know I do stupid stuff when I'm like that but it doesn't stop me becasue I always justify everything. The only reason that kept me from stopping the lithium is that I feel my highs get to be too much for me. Its all love-hate.
So it still comes back to education then, Learning about our own actions\reactions, moods and triggers for same, knowing whats works and what doesn't work. A constant vigilance and where there is support available, listening and trying to look at what others are saying, I sometimes find that hard to do, mainly because there is no one that I can turn to and say "do you think I am being a bit manic or overly upset at ???" "could it be me and not the actual situation I might find myself in". So I tend to question a lot of my own actions\reactions, sometimes it works sometimes not, having my therapist to bounce things off of is really helpful when I am in a quandry regarding my thinking etc. Med compliance is huge for me, given that I spent a long time not taking meds when I should have been. I come here to read a lot it helps me to continue to stay on them.
Sure do miss the highs, not the debilitating highs of course.. just the ones where all is right with world and nothing can go wrong.. :(
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