More threads by forgetmenot

Forgetmenot, I, too, used to think that no one was there during my desperate and fearful moments. I was too embarrassed to ask for help because I felt so ashamed. I got in the way of much needed help coming to my aid. When I allowed myself to walk into my fear, help arrived. I was scared to death by the influx of assistance, but in spite of my trembling fear, various people let me know that I was okay and that they would not abandon me. For me, it's been many years since those fearful days, but I have never forgotten the shred of courage I found in taking the first step towards others who wanted and did help me. You are never alone here. Hang on and continue to trust that you are a valuable human being worthy of love and care.


Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness. I too am alone. I have a family with two children living at home and in high school. My wife works days and I work nights. At work I am in a different department and have little time to wander off and socialize. So I have people around me every day and see my family on the weekends yet at times feel very lonely. I guess the most important realization I've come to is that if I'm at peace with myself I'm o.k. It's when I think too much then worry and get caught up in my own world that I run into trouble. And I know I am loved. It's hard to keep focus on the positives especially when there is at times turmoil in my life and such turmoil every day in the world. Keep calm and carry on.
The hardest thing for me to do is get out of my house because of fear. When I do get out, even if I have to remain reclusive ( ie sitting alone in a restaurant or library close to a wall) I don't feel so alone. Even going to Walgreens and seeing a smiling face from the clerk helps me to connect. With my family I plan short visits and leave when I start getting anxious or fearful. Maybe even reaching out in these small ways can give some relief from feeling so alone honey.



To connect with people via these forums is always an option albeit not the only one. You/we still need face-to-face interaction.
Texasgirl, you reminded me that sometimes just sitting off to the side and watching people engage within their normal activities actually helps us feel connected and better. In my darkest days of depression, I use to go over to my Mom's house and watch her wash dishes or vacuum. Just knowing that life went on and seeing that others were coping with it enabled me to start believing that I could also. And, Forgetmenot, you do not have to take giant steps to engage with others. The "step" is the willingness to move in spite of the fear because it will enable you to receive the healing you need. It's not giving up the fear, but not allowing it to stymie your healing. The working goal may be that as you take each step, it will increase your courage. You can always retreat, but I encourage you to try not to do so. Please do not beat yourself up other this. Give yourself permission and take it slowly.

All the best
ya went to therapist stated same thing also stated when one is going through transitions it will bring back other times of transitions like when i left home dam

He said also it would be good for me for closure to go to this dinner to honor my retirement to allow tears to fall to allow the girls to hug me ya right.

Also said to get picutrues of active duty last days i will receive a 30 yr pin something i had to fight to get as they are discontinuing the pins now but one was found that god.
I will go suck it up ones again i will be ok i will make myself be ok dont see Therapist until after ceremony now 3 weeks
asked him what if i just cannot do this what do i do but i know i will be ok i will

have to go outside ones comfort zone have to push oneself to do things you don't want to do to heal

i am not her anymore and i will never be her i am someone dam past dam it for coming back but i dealt with it then i will deal with it again

small steps you are right sorry tired oh dear lord i am tired thanks to everyone for reaching out ok
the forums have kept me here for awhile now

I will miss the contact with my pts and the staff most but it is time

i will have more time to take care of the people who i should be taking care of my family one day at a time right one hour at a time one minute at a time
i pray i can call crisis line if it comes down to that.

thanks again for all you advice and care
trust is needed to have courage right
isolation the feeling of being alone not true then
just a mind set right but god i feel so alone
sorry just thinking out loud


Sorry you feel so alone.I understand that feeling.Most of the time,even if I am in a room full of people I still feel alone.Like there's this black void inside that can never be filled.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Please try to change this belief Forgetmenot!! xox

It is an incorrect belief or idea that doesn't make any sense. It is not the truth at all.

It is like a dark-skinned person thinking they are inferior or worth less than a light-skinned person.

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