More threads by forgetmenot

No not in control all the time hun most time i am i think
pain it comes sometimes out of the blue you know and side swipes me and i have to fight back again
no i have not been me for awhile now
i am ok i am ok
i don't want to let the anger out or the emotions out hun it hurts too much it just hurts too much do you understand so i fight them i fight with everything in me to not feel
You are right hun logically i need to try something different because if i don't i am just going to burn myself out totally
who am i not her i want her to go away and leave me alone i want her to take her sadness away i want to be me again i want to be someone again Noone understand that and i won't explain it to anyone because i know it sound crazy and i am not ill i am just tired of the battle
I will talk to my therapist not until June 6 I will give him the choice and tell him i understand if he chooses to end this now because i don't know if i have it in me to continue on.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Please sometime, take a quiet moment and reconsider having a go at different views hun.....

Some things work well and some things don't..... why not benefit from the collective knowledge we now have from the health community.....

So many in the past could not benefit from this knowledge......

We don't want you to suffer or leave, and I am sure your loved ones feel the same....

And I know your therapist feels the same too and would much rather continue supporting you, even if you don't want to change certain ideas or approaches - he would still much rather that he can support you and minimize your suffering in whatever ways you are okay with. DON'T stop seeing him. Don't follow the thinking of your mind that is not in a well place okay. xox
Iwill go to my next appt and i will try and i hope my mind does change my thoughts change I am ok i will talk to him i will let him know how grateful i am for his help and that i am sorry for not being able to follow his regime but as he stated i am changing i am letting go i am letting go
I wonder where is that person that fought and showed them all what she was made of

i just have to find that part of me again and fight and just fight and fight and fight and not let this sadness win.

Thanks for all the help and for listening and i will try to reread and to absorb and change i will


i will talk to him i will let him know how grateful i am for his help

That's a good idea,and something I don't think I have done.I think I will do that next time.Our therapists help us so much,and I wonder just how often they are told how much it's appreciated.I have taken the time to tell mine everything he does that I don't like,but I don't think I have told him the things he does that I do like.

Thanks forgetmenot.The things you post always help me in some way!
I am so sorry. I have no one who cares and it is so hard to keep going, but we have to keep going because we just do. Try to get some rest and stay warm.
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