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I was wondering about something. I pretty much suffer from anxiety but it's been with me for so long I didn't even know I was anxious. Just starting to become aware of it. I was thinking about an incident that happened a long time ago, which I think was traumatic but I have kind of written it off and blocked it. It involved someone who pushed me physically and verbally assaulted me in public. I remember the whole thing and while I was begin verbally attacked I didn't hear anything, I know I was being called every name in the book but I think I went into some sort of shock. It felt like the moment that you see in a movie, when everything around the person is spinning and blurry. That's how it was. Do you think I should be dealing with this in therapy. I mean, is it important to deal with that issue and talk through it, or is it water under the bridge? Maybe I just answered my own question, because I am questioning it it's probably important. any thoughts?


MVP, Forum Supporter
Re: when to talk about it or not

If you still think of it and it bothers you, why not talk about it. I bet it will make you feel better and give you some perspective on what happened. I don't see any down side at all to talking about something that is troubling you.


Re: when to talk about it or not

ya, thanks adaptive1. I think it's hard for me to talk about it because it brings up feelings of shame and humiliation, my favourite topic.
That is probably why I should talk about it. I think it's linked to anxiety and deep issues of shame.


MVP, Forum Supporter
Yes I know what you mean about feelings of humiliation and shame boi, for myself, it has gotten better but it didnt happen overnight. I still have work to do on this but it has helped to have good people around you that accept you for yourself


because it brings up feelings of shame and humiliation, my favourite topic.
............and one you are quite familiar with, for too long.

I think it's linked to anxiety and deep issues of shame.
Talk to your therapist about this and see if your diagnosis is correct:)


Adaptive1 and Yuray,

Exactly and Exactly !
I will def bring it up with my therapist. Hopefully sooner than later, typing it here is so much easier than speaking the words. Here it can be talked about from an intellectual perspective, in therapy it's emotional and that's the hard part.
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