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I went to the Eating Disorder Center of Denver for a year. While i did learn a lot there, there was never a day that I didn't cry. I cried nearly everyday.

The things I learned while in treatment: Medical Evaluation, Individual Therapy, Family/Couples Therapy, Group Therapy, Nutrition, Healthy relationships, sexuality, Medical lectures, Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), Sensing the self, Body Image, Addictions, Grief and Loss, Skills.

Rules: 1 You can't go to the bathroom without someone going with you, 2 eat all your food if not you get a full boost yumm, eat 50% of your food get half a cup of boost, 3 no walking the halls after meals go directly to the next group, 4 no cell phones, 5 you could not have both feet on the couch only one, 6 you have to participate in the conversations at group 7 don't talk about weight, sizes and portions.

Things you don't do when your eating your meal. 1 stair at the person next to or in front of you while they are conger up the courage to eat they get really mad at you, pick at your food the meal they get mad at you,

the memories: talking to your friend at the table about how you wish there was a mouse in your pocket to help you eat, psychodrama the therapist told me to stack all the chairs that represented how angry and mad I was, i did it covered the entire room, your friend is diabulimia and she is very low and she is talking about things she never would have revealed if her diabetes where at a normal range and you tear up because she your friend and your think about how awful it would be to loose her, running down the stairs and people couldn't find me so they called my ex husband ok that was a bad memory but it counts. telling how you feel after every meal you have ingested. getting to get out of group so you could get your blood drawn or taking a taxi cab to the hospital to get a dex a scan FREEDOM.

More to come .

If you are interested in seeking help here is the link
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