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I seem to be depressed still. It's getting annoying and different. I am on a mood stabilizer and an anti depressent. I dont know if its working. The mood stabilizer I think is. I feel like I have "leveled" out. It is wierd to me because I am waiting for my mood to change and its not. I'm sleeping way too much and I just dont want to do anything, not even talk to friends on the phone (I have nothing to say). Am I expecting too much from the meds? I want to be better and I'm getting frustrated with the depression. I was also going to tell my best friend about my diagnosis of bipolar. I am nervous about it. Does anyone here tell people or do they keep it to themselves?


Re: who do you tell


First of all you ask if you are expecting too much from the meds and my first thought is that meds can only do so much for us but in my opinion that is where therapy comes into play. In my experience, medication helps to level my moods or bring them under better control which in turn then gives me the focus to deal with the issues causing the depression and anxiety in therapy.

boi said:
I was also going to tell my best friend about my diagnosis of bipolar. I am nervous about it. Does anyone here tell people or do they keep it to themselves?

As for whether I tell people or not....I tell a very select few. My best friend, my family and one co-worker know but that is it. I also don't go into great detail with many of them about my diagnoses and what has caused them from my past etc. but they do know that I am on medication and go to therapy. Out of them all my best friend probably knows the most but she also suffers from anxiety so it is much easier to talk to her. She understands and can relate to what I experience which makes a difference as well. If someone has never been through depression, they honestly don't know what it is like but can only try to understand but there is a huge difference between living it and reading about it.


Re: who do you tell


In my experience, medication helps to level my moods or bring them under better control which in turn then gives me the focus to deal with the issues causing the depression and anxiety in therapy.

Yeah I see....thanks.,..I am currently in therapy and we have started CBT. I guess I thought the antidepressants will get me out of this mood.
I have told a couple of friends and they are very supportive even though they might not understand fully. My other friend doesnt live in the same country but I was going to tell her about my diagnosis. I worry if she will be judgmental. this could be my worry thats not real..I mean she might not be judgmental.


Re: who do you tell

I think that there is always a risk when telling friends about a diagnosis however when you think about this particular friend, has (s)he been judgmental about other things that you have noticed? In your opinion, is (s)he normally a judgmental person? If your answers are yes to these questions then there is a chance that (s)he will be judgmental when you tell them about your diagnosis as well. However if they are not normally judgmental about things then it is a good bet that they will not be judgmental of you and your diagnosis and (s)he will be just like your other friends that you have told and be supportive.


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Re: who do you tell

Hi Boi,

I felt the same way as you have when I was taking anti-depressents. But what they did was level off my moods, but I still had good and not so good days. And I agree with Halo, in therapy is where a great deal of the work is done.


thanks ladylore...
It's so happens that I feel better today....things are looking up changed literally during the day. I hope it stays. I also told my best friend about my bipolar and she was very supportive and non judgmental. I am very happy about that...



I am glad to hear that you told your friend and that she was supportive and understanding. Great going :2thumbs:


thanks Halo for all your advice as well...
I am so happy I am feeling was a long depression this time round....I even started a new painting yeah


I'm also glad your friend was supportive, boi. That must have been a great relief.

Personally, I have had issues with telling too many people about my bipolar diagnosis. Much of this stems from my nature. I tend to be a trusting person, and I also open up very easily. I assume there will be no judgment or negative repercussion, but sometimes I find out later that I had told the wrong person.

For example, I mistakenly told a recent employer that I was bipolar. At first, it helped to explain some things about me; but later on, I found that he would use the information against me in any way he could. If something went wrong between us, he would try to pin it all on my being bipolar. It took me a while to realize that this was only his way of avoiding looking at his own part in the matter.

So I am trying to learn to exercise more discretion as to whom I tell, and whom I don't. After all, not everybody needs to know.

Good luck to you. I hope you are continuing to do well, and to feel well.
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