More threads by David Baxter PhD

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Why Self-Care is Important for Moms
by Kimberly Moffit
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

I have heard many moms speak about how they need to do more for their loved ones: feed the family, maintain a career, receive glowing reviews from all sources. But what kind of a toll does this take on a person? What consequences result when moms constantly put others before themselves?

Mothers are the most guilty for spending too much time on others, and not enough time on themselves.

When was the last time you had a day at the spa, a pedicure, or a relaxing massage?

If you have not done these lately, I am prescribing that you choose one (or all) and go treat yourself immediately! Taking the time to do something for yourself, like a facial, a day of rest, or a night out with your man (treating you!) will not only give you time away from your loved ones to reflect and appreciate, but will give you added vitality throughout the week.

What do YOU do to take care of YOU?
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