I often worry about (hopefully) irrational fears. Often I am overcome with fear that something bad will happen to me. Usually, this is linked to the worry that I will be blamed for something that I haven't done and I won't be believed despite telling the truth.
This may stem from being someone who likes to be as honest as possible; and I like things to be in black and white. Also, I hate gossip especially when it is not true.
Additionally I have experienced bullying on and off, the worse being in my older years. Here, I found these people would tell lies and hide their tracks or play the victim by making false statements.
Plus, I spend a lot of time by myself, stay indoors alot and I realise this contributes to these fearful feelings.
The question is, how can I move on and get on with my life before I waste it?
And how do I handle difficult people? Ignoring them (if anything it spurs them on) doesn't always work and sometimes you can't get away from such people unless you leave home/work/college.
This may stem from being someone who likes to be as honest as possible; and I like things to be in black and white. Also, I hate gossip especially when it is not true.
Additionally I have experienced bullying on and off, the worse being in my older years. Here, I found these people would tell lies and hide their tracks or play the victim by making false statements.
Plus, I spend a lot of time by myself, stay indoors alot and I realise this contributes to these fearful feelings.
The question is, how can I move on and get on with my life before I waste it?
And how do I handle difficult people? Ignoring them (if anything it spurs them on) doesn't always work and sometimes you can't get away from such people unless you leave home/work/college.