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So I had my first day of She was beyond strange and could hardly focus on what I was telling her. She kept taking what I said and turning it around and asking the weirdest questions...needless to say I don't think I'll be going back to her. She didn't seem to connect with me at all... the search continues I guess.

Has anyone benefited from group therapy?...or is it more beneficial to see someone privately. I feel really uncomfortable around people I don't know when I'm alone...maybe a group would be easier???....


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You may want to give her another chance. It may be your perception at the moment. I know that when I started thinking clearer the people and things I said no to in the past made more sense.

What questions was she asking you?

Daniel E.
Yeah, and it may be hard to evaluate a therapist on the first session since the first session is more about information gathering than assistance.

MonkeyMunch said:
...or is it more beneficial to see someone privately.

I certainly think so, and I even brought evidence from 1987 :)

Subjects who received individual therapy improved more than subjects in the group and delayed treatment conditions.

SpringerLink - Journal Article (1987)

MonkeyMunch said:
I feel really uncomfortable around people I don't know when I'm alone...maybe a group would be easier???....

Of course, you could try both at the same time.

How to find the best therapist for you - Psychlinks
Has anyone tried group therapy? - Psychlinks
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I alway found one to one therapy much more benefical, I feel overwhelmed in a group, but it wouldnt hurt to try it, it may work for you.


I've never done group therapy so I can't comment on was suggested but never something I felt comfortable with.

I'd give this therapist another chance and if you still don't feel right about her then keep shopping...there are lots out there, it's just a matter of finding the right fit.

Good luck.


I agree with what a lot of people are saying here about giving the therapist another chance. If she is really not a fit for you after another session or two then I would suggest continuing to look for another one.

Take care


That sounds like a first impression.

But really, like everyone else, I think you should give her another chance. It could be that you're just not used to opening up to people one-on-one?

Daniel E.
And another point is that each therapist has at least a slightly different perspective that can be helpful. So by going to the next session(s), you can benefit from that input before possibly going elsewhere.
Thanks to everyone for all the suggestions and advice!

I think maybe I will give her another chance. She just made me feel very uneasy...uncomfortable, just got a bad vibe from her..

It could be just that my walls are up, so maybe i'll try again.



The bad vibe could definitely be your walls up as you said. I am glad to hear that you are considering giving her another chance, hopefully it goes better next time.

Take care
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