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It's far too warm here in the UK for the time of year! I've got a t shirt and a thin blouse on and the heat's not on here yet and I'm still warm!

Roy H.

It's far too warm here in the UK for the time of year! I've got a t shirt and a thin blouse on and the heat's not on here yet and I'm still warm!

It's not warm here, my friend. Go stick your head in a freezer and imagine your whole body in there. That's what it feels like in the northern part of America right now (at least in the Midwest). What is the UK like? Does the northern most part get very cold? Correct if I'm wrong, but the UK is made up of England, Wales, Ireland and...well, it goes something like that, right?


Yes! It's cold, snowing and that, up in the North and Scotland.
But down here in the South East it's just wet and warm and windy! The weather that destroys umbrellas very fast!


Oh, BTW, get used to it guys, we aren't even close to spring yet, so try to enjoy the cold weather as much as possible. You have to embrace it, that is the key.:)

Embrace it :panic: It took me 1.5 hours to drive into work this morning...which normally takes me about 20-30 minutes. Great start to my day :rant:

Roy H.

Embrace it :panic: It took me 1.5 hours to drive into work this morning...which normally takes me about 20-30 minutes. Great start to my day :rant:

We had a big snow storm here a few weeks ago and it took me 3 hours to drive about 20 miles. It was the worst driving experience of my life.

to embrace it would require functioning, non-frozen arms :lol: it's been -20 out there :panic:

Staying indoors all winter isn't good though, IMO. You have to find an activity (as hard as it may be), such as skiing or skating or just going for a walk here and there. Otherwise it can get to your psyche. :(
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I have to go out each day,even for 30 mins to walk the dog,despite the cold..I need the fresh air and exercise,otherwise I feel blah all day
Staying indoors all winter isn't good though, IMO. You have to find an activity (as hard as it may be), such as skiing or skating or just going for a walk here and there. Otherwise it can get to your psyche. :(
i couldn't agree with you more. we still need to get out there. :)


Staying indoors all winter isn't good though, IMO. You have to find an activity (as hard as it may be), such as skiing or skating or just going for a walk here and there. Otherwise it can get to your psyche. :(

I actually disagree with you. I don't think that staying indoors all winter isn't good. I think that for some it might not be however for others if they can find things to do indoors that they are happy and content doing then there is no difference whether they are indoors or outdoors. JMO
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