Self Help

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I was attached to this book because a lot of mental conditions, including OCD, can be characterized as "searching but not finding." Depression can be seen as a search for meaning, value, or relationship without (yet) finding. ------------------- Publisher Description: Who Are The...
This groundbreaking book includes four books (workbooks and guides) that will teach you from start to finish, everything you need to know about CBT + DBT Skills, Complex PTSD, Addiction, and Anxiety. Discover recovery skills and strategies you need to live a healthy life. Book 1: The Anxiety...
Psychlinks book review: Many people with depression or languishing feel that life is overrated. So the idea that happiness is overrated may easily resonate. Similar to ACT and other mindfulness-based therapies where happiness is seen as temporary and the focus is on strengths and values...
The 25TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION of the original ground-breaking book on high sensitivity with over 500,000 copies sold. ARE YOU A HIGHLY SENSITIVE PERSON? Do you have a keen imagination and vivid dreams? Is time alone each day as essential to you as food and water? Are you noted for your...
"Changed my life" - "Essential reading" - "Easy and enjoyable read" – "Highly recommended (even if you're not an introvert!)" Are you an introvert? If you're happy in your own company most of the time, have just a few really close friends and prefer to work alone, the answer is probably yes...