Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy: An Existential Approach to Therapy and Counselling
Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy: An Existential Approach to Therapy and Counselling

Book Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy: An Existential Approach to Therapy and Counselling

by Emmy van Deurzen (2015; Second Edition)


Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy , second edition, is a fully updated edition of a classic guide to existential psychotherapy by one of its leading practitioner.

  • Examines the personal and subjective dimensions of psychotherapy in a fresh and bold manner
  • Offers practical and common-sense approaches to tackling sensitive issues when working with clients with an emphasis on transparency and authenticity
  • Weaves together concepts of existential psychotherapy with case studies and the author’s experiential observations in a seamless narrative
  • Covers a wide range of intimate existential issues, including loneliness, survival, self-understanding, love, and passion
Paradox and Passion in Psychotherapy: An Existential Approach to Therapy and Counselling

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