The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes
The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes

Book The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes

by Donald Hoffman


Can we trust our senses to tell us the truth?

Challenging leading scientific theories that claim that our senses report back objective reality, cognitive scientist Donald Hoffman argues that while we should take our perceptions seriously, we should not take them literally. From examining why fashion designers create clothes that give the illusion of a more “attractive” body shape to studying how companies use color to elicit specific emotions in consumers, and even dismantling the very notion that spacetime is objective reality, The Case Against Reality dares us to question everything we thought we knew about the world we see.

Quotes from the book:

"That is what evolution has done. It has endowed us with senses that hide the truth and display the simple icons we need to survive long enough to raise offspring."

“We encounter a startling “Fitness-Beats-Truth” (FBT) theorem, which states that evolution by natural selection does not favor true perceptions—it routinely drives them to extinction. Instead, natural selection favors perceptions that hide the truth and guide useful action.”

"Space, time, and physical objects are not objective reality. They are simply the virtual world delivered by our senses to help us play the game of life."

"Physics and evolution point to the same conclusion: spacetime and objects are not foundational. Something else is more fundamental, and spacetime emerges from it."

“Steven Pinker sums up the argument well: “We are organisms, not angels, and our minds are organs, not pipelines to the truth. Our minds evolved by natural selection to solve problems that were life-and-death matters to our ancestors, not to commune with correctness.”

More info:

The Case Against Reality: Why Evolution Hid the Truth from Our Eyes

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