Interactions With Other Forum Members

Abusing or Attacking Other Members

Abusing or pesronally attacking other members of this website is not tolerated. Personal or targeted insults are not tolerated. Posts that are just insulting or nasty are not tolerated. Please report abusive posts or Private Messages to a Moderator or Administrator.

Arguments and Disagreements

If you feel a post is not correct or the actions or comments of another member have upset you, do not start an argument in the forums. Instead, send a Private Message or E-mail to the user and speak to them directly. Please do not question the actions of Forum Staff within the forums; instead, communicate via Private Message or e-mail. In the event of disagreement, Forum Administrators will have the final say.

Please note: While moderators and administrators will attempt to ensure that insensitive or abusive posts are removed or edited, and as stated above you are encouraged to report any such activity to Psychlinks Staff, you alone are responsible for your interactions with other forum members. Psychlinks reserves the right (but is not obligated) to mediate or solve disputes between you and other users of the forum.