Ownership and Copyright

All original posts and threads posted by members become the property of the Forum, much like a letter to the editor of a newspaper. Members still retain the copyright to their original content (e.g., they can post the same content on their own web sites or blogs) but have in effect conveyed a license in perpetuity to use that content here on this forum.

First, this means that no one can take the personal posts of forum members and reproduce them without the consent of Forum Administrators, which in such cases would also require the consent of the member posting.

Additionally, it means that members must understand that they are posting in a public forum, rather like the "Letters to the Editor" portion of a newspaper, and that others can both read and reply to what a member posts. This is, of course, the whole point of an online forum. Sometimes, members will ask that their posts or threads be removed. Often, we will honor such requests, especially where concerns about privacy are the reason for the request. But this rule exists to remind forum members that we are under no obligation to remove posts or threads, just as once a letter to the editor is published it cannot be retracted. In many cases, to delete posts would disrupt the flow of a thread to the point where the thread would become incomprehensible.

Members can edit their posts for a limited time to correct errors or to clarify the intended meaning. When the time period for editing has elapsed, members may request that a moderator or administrator edit the post on their behalf for further modification.

We do respect the privacy of members and the Forum will take action to protect that privacy at its discretion. If you have second thoughts or concerns about threads or posts that you have submitted, you may contact an Administrator or Moderator to have such posts removed. However, the decision as to whether to remove any posts will be made on an individual basis at the discretion of Forum Staff.
