David Baxter PhD
Late Founder
Anxiety and depression awareness
Friday, August 31, 2007
One of the reasons there continues to be stigma associated with mental illness is a lack of knowledge and openness about what are relatively common conditions.
In conjunction to the forthcoming Mental Health Week (7 to 13th October) and World Mental Health Day, beyondblue are launching Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month during October.
beyondblue are asking for your support during this time to engage individuals, community, government and corporate organisations in activities specifically targeted at increasing awareness of anxiety and depression. Suggested activities may include hosting community forums, disseminating beyondblue materials or wearing something blue to work.
beyondblue can also provide you with an information pack which includes materials, posters and fact sheets for you to distribute in your local community, to friends and to family detailing the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression, where to get help, appropriate treatments and how to stay well.
When promoting anxiety and depression, it is important to provide access to information. Promote the beyondblue website and the beyondblue info line 1300 22 4636 on intranets, notice boards or other information areas.
To receive your free beyondblue Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month Kit, visit the beyondblue website materials order form or call the beyondblue Distribution Centre on 03 9810 6143.
See here for initial details of how you can become involved .
Friday, August 31, 2007
One of the reasons there continues to be stigma associated with mental illness is a lack of knowledge and openness about what are relatively common conditions.
In conjunction to the forthcoming Mental Health Week (7 to 13th October) and World Mental Health Day, beyondblue are launching Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month during October.
beyondblue are asking for your support during this time to engage individuals, community, government and corporate organisations in activities specifically targeted at increasing awareness of anxiety and depression. Suggested activities may include hosting community forums, disseminating beyondblue materials or wearing something blue to work.
beyondblue can also provide you with an information pack which includes materials, posters and fact sheets for you to distribute in your local community, to friends and to family detailing the signs and symptoms of anxiety and depression, where to get help, appropriate treatments and how to stay well.
When promoting anxiety and depression, it is important to provide access to information. Promote the beyondblue website and the beyondblue info line 1300 22 4636 on intranets, notice boards or other information areas.
To receive your free beyondblue Anxiety and Depression Awareness Month Kit, visit the beyondblue website materials order form or call the beyondblue Distribution Centre on 03 9810 6143.
See here for initial details of how you can become involved .