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Resident Canuck
Is it possable for someone to have tic type reactions while being anxious?

I have read in the Tourettes forum that anxiety can bring on tics, but to my knowlege I do not have a Tourettes diagnosis.

I also read that Tourettes usually comes about when people are younger. These "bouts" have one started in the past few years. I am now 34.

My Psychiatrist has seen this and he just calmly tells me "it is the anxiety".

He wrote on recent forms that I had major depressive illness with chronic anxiety and panic attacks. He also included disassociation as a symptom.

I have a difficult time speaking and even typing with much gramatical correctness. I often make popping noises with my mouth and my hands almost feel like I need to move them, like strech out and curl my fingers, or feel I need to touch my nose or the side of my face a lot, when this happens. I am aware of me doing this, but am not self conscientious about it. During this time though, if something startles me or upsets me, I am into a panic mode quite quickly. Otherwise, I am suprisingly content in this "mode".

I am wondering if during an anxious time I become disassociated and it results in the tic type activity. Maybe I answered my own question? :teehee:

Any insight? I am not in distress about it, more curious if this is a common reaction to feeling anxious.

Thanks! :)


I have read in the Tourettes forum that anxiety can bring on tics,

The reference is made in the context of people with Tourette. So, in a person with Tourette, in situations of withheightened anxiety or stress levels, tic activity can be exacerbated.

It's not the anxiety that causes the tics, but that anxiety can increase one's pre-existing tic activity.
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