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I am experiencing a lot of anxiety today, more so than I have been of late, and am not sure if I should be writing about my anxiety and fears, or keeping myself busy, or trying to think positive. I seem to be running around in circles.

What helps you when you feel this way? Anyone have any tools in the toolkit that seem to help?


I think that to be able to help in this situation you need to try and understand why you feel this way and you also need to know yourself well because what works for me may not work for you.

Hope you sort something out, and I do believe that posting helps most times.



I often find stopping, writing, or drawing/painting how I'm feeling can help. Because it helps me make past-present connections and bridge splits.

Sometimes just 5 minutes alone under a blanket or in a toilet cubicle, being safely with myself is enough to help calm me enough for the time being.


I do sometimes crawl under my blankets as I feel safe tucked up under them mostly and just lie there and listen to myself breathing.



It's important to try to identify the triggers for your anxiety, Serenity. I think it's also important to realize that you don't have to choose just one way out of the anxiety. You can use a combination of all the methods you mentioned. A little sharing, a little distraction, and a little self-examination - using each coping mechanism as it seems to be most helpful. There's no one right way. Sometimes, there are several ways that can be utilized concurrently. In fact, that's usually the most helpful method. :hug:


Yep. For the most part I know what it is. There are a few things actually.

1. I am supposed to be going on a trip in 10 days or so about 28 driving hrs away and I suffer from panic attakcs and agoraphobia. I'm scared to death.

2. The man I am in a relationship with scares the begessus out of me. He is VERY protective and VERY worried about me leaving him so when he hears that I am sitting next to a man at a course I am at, the look of concern is written all over his face. This happens a lot. I feel like I can only have women friends and that all men are DANGEROUS. His fears are making me paranoid. I am NOT good at standing up for myself and protecting myself from danger (history of abusive issues), I agree, but I thought I was doing pretty good all these years and suddenly feel like I am incapabable of any discernment. Not all men are dangerous. And...I would like to be able to sit beside someone without triggering his fears and insecurities which in turn, make me feel stuck and claustaphobic.

3. This love relationship is triggering all kinds of bad feelings and memories of helplessness and anxiety from my past that I feel unable to deal with presently.

4. I am concerned now that if he left that I would not be able to handle the anxiety and depression. That really worries me. I had a horrible time last year in Aug/Sept and didn't think I'd make it through so the idea of going through that again scares the hell out of me.

5. I am having difficulties relationship wise with coworkers and with friends. I feel like I don't fit it anywhere. I feel inadequate and defective.

All this makes me having panic attacks and squirm in my seat. All I can think of doing is taking meds to calm me down which is NOT my ideal choice.


Yeah that is not always the best choice your right, I am sure sometimes it is though and is very important, but you need meds along with other strategies I believe. I think that it is good that you at least know what the concerns are that makes it a bit more helpful and easier to sort out, well a little at least. I can tell why you feel like you do alright! Sorry wish I could do something.

DO you know of anything that helps at all?
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