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This might be a stupid question ... but does anyone else suffering from anxiety reach a state of panic that makes you feel as though the sky is falling ... as though your world is about to crumble, and you are helpless to do anything to stop it ...
I'm sure this crisis is precipitated by my immediate situation, but that doesn't help alleviate the terror I'm feeling.
I have only xanax with which to try to cope ... I have no other medication, and no money with which to purchase other meds (prozac) that might be helping me.
I'm on a waiting list for treatment at an anxiety clinic in my location, but the waiting list is so long that they refuse to even give a date to me ... probably looking at a year minimum.
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Re: Chicken Little: Panic Attacks


Panic attacks can be extremely disturbing.

Panic attack symptoms can make your heart pound and cause you to feel short of breath, dizzy, nauseated and flushed. Because panic attack symptoms can resemble life-threatening conditions, it's important to seek an accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Panic attack symptoms can include:

  • Rapid heart rate
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Shortness of breath
  • Hyperventilation
  • Chills
  • Hot flashes
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal cramping
  • Chest pain
  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Faintness
  • Tightness in your throat
  • Trouble swallowing
  • A sense of impending death

Source: Mayo Clinic: Panic Attacks

You may wish to click on the Mayo Clinic link above for a comprehensive overview of panic attacks.

I have only xanax with which to try to cope

Can you re-visit the physician who gave you the Xanax prescription for help? Does the Xanax provide relief?

If you are unable to afford the medication prescribed for you, sometimes the manufacturer can help. You can visit the manufacturer's website in the Country in which you live or call them for information. Another option is to ask about this service from your doctor or pharmacist.

In all likelihood, you would require a prescription from a brand name company as I don't expect the generic manufacturers offer this service.

Daniel E.
Re: Chicken Little: Panic Attacks

and no money with which to purchase other meds (prozac) that might be helping me.

BTW, as you may know, there is a generic version of Prozac. In the US, Walmart sells it for only $4 a bottle but most places sell it for significantly more than that. Also, there are generic versions of Zoloft, Celexa, Paxil, Remeron, etc:

Top Generic Mental Health Medications 2007, Psychiatic Meds
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Re: Chicken Little: Panic Attacks

Steve - thank you so much for this information. I've known a couple people who experienced "panic" attacks on a regular basis ... this does not seem to be the case with me. I've been diagnosed (so far - by my GP) with an generalized anxiety disorder. I don't experience most of the symptoms listed under "panic" attack ... perhaps some nausea ... heart palpitations and some shortness of breath when it's at it's worse, but nothing that causes me to fear for my life. My overwhelming issue is a feeling of impending doom, so strong, that I begin to wish that death would come, so that I won't be taken by surprise by the arrival of this (theoretically) imaginary ending of my world.

As for the meds, there is a chance that I could ask my doctor to request free meds from the pharmaceutical companies ... that entire process might take weeks, and I'm in a crisis at this very moment.
The Xanax helps somewhat ... seems to create quite a zombie-like feeling ... the anxiety is not gone, but I'm so zoned out that the edge is taken off the sky-is-falling sensation.
I was wondering if others who are dealing with anxiety issues successfully use any methods or strategies that do not involve medication.

Hhhmmm ... I just noticed that someone add "Panic Attacks" to the title of my post.
I'm not sure why or how, but this is not appreciated, as this is not my issue.
There is a section here for Panic issues, and I would most certainly have posted
my inquiring there if this were the case.
I don't feel that I'll receive the feedback that I'm seeking with this addition
to the title, and I'm hoping that the person who performed this editing will
remove this.
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Daniel E.
Re: Chicken Little: Panic Attacks

My overwhelming issue is a feeling of impending doom, so strong, that I begin to wish that death would come, so that I won't be taken by surprise by the arrival of this (theoretically) imaginary ending of my world.

For such anxiety (which in my case is highly related to depression), I use CBT techniques I learned in therapy, primarily just recognizing my all-or-nothing thinking, catastrophizing, and other distorted thinking, as demonstrated in the following video (though in regards to social anxiety):

3_approaches_to_psychotherapy_3_of_3_Albert_Ellis.mpg (my favorite part is discussion of catastrophizing starting around 12:45)

Also, socialization (especially with my supportive family), exercise, music, taking one moment at a time (trying to feel safe in the present moment), and other self-help techniques like distractions, lowering unrealistic expectations and increasing self-acceptance, relaxing showers, and bibliotherapy.
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Re: Chicken Little: Panic Attacks

Thanks for your advice and for this information, Daniel.
Therapy is, indeed, one of the best approaches to this issue - I'll be starting
that some time in 2010 ... the anticipated year that the clinic estimates they'll
be able to treat me.
I'll try to view the mpg as per the link you posted, but I have a very outdated
computer, and cannot view video.

By the way - I noticed that you are designated as a moderator - can you please
remove the words "Panic Attacks" from the title of my thread?

I was able to view the video from the link you posted, and moved directly
to the section you referred to.
The details of my situation are much more grave than the angst that the
woman in the video discusses (worried that she will never find an appropriate
The situations I'm dealing with include my inability to find employment ... and
the knowledge that I will be homeless (or living in shelters, etc) if this does
not happen last week. Three adult children, all dealing with depression and
various other psychological issues ... they all depend upon me for financial
and emotional support ... when I'm bankrupt in both departments myself.
My car is about to die a slow and tedious death, which will GREATLY diminish
my ability to find employment (I live in a small town).
I have collection agents calling daily, trying to bully me into paying nearly
$20,000 in defaulted student loans.
These are a few of the issues I'm dealing with ... others include rotting,
painful teeth, which will have to be pulled at this point, with no way to either
replace them or purchase dentures - again ... greatly reducing my ability to
secure employment (not many employers would hire a woman in her late 40's,
with gaping holes where teeth once sat) ... scheduled surgery to repair joint
damage on both feet - it's not really possible to ask someone to hire you, then
immediately inform them that you'll need 2 weeks to recover from foot surgery
within the first month of employment.
There is much more ... but these are probably the issues that will potentially
affect me, in a way that would feel as though my world has fallen apart.
Xanax dulls my brain, but solves nothing ... as soon as it wears off, all of these
issues and more are waiting to crush me.
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Daniel E.
Re: Chicken Little: Panic Attacks

The situations I'm dealing with include my inability to find employment ... and
the knowledge that I will be homeless (or living in shelters, etc) if this does
not happen last week.

I assume you have seen this, though I guess it isn't helpful enough:

toll said:
it's not really possible to ask someone to hire you, then
immediately inform them that you'll need 2 weeks to recover from foot surgery
within the first month of employment.

Though your town is small, perhaps there is a temp agency? Or a temp agency in a larger nearby town that also services the smaller town?

toll said:
There is much more ... but these are probably the issues that will potentially affect me, in a way that would feel as though my world has fallen apart.

Regarding dealing with the anxiety from such significant stressors, I found this:

Learning to manage stressful situations requires active coping, which can be conceptualized as 2 types:

“problem-focused” (working to solve the problem)
“emotion-focused” (accepting and dealing with emotions caused by the stressor).

...Being able to positively reframe negative events (“cognitive reappraisal”) is crucial to resilience. Individuals who successfully overcome adverse events usually manage to find some meaning in their tragedy. Psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl wrote of the importance of “meaning making.”

Keys to resilience for PTSD and everyday stress - Psychlinks Psychology Self-Help & Mental Health Support Forum
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