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Hi . all how you doing? please give me any help if you can ... and doc give me a right solution or anything that could help me , you know what i mean

by the way , you can take the same test at one of those sites for free :

Have fun! :2thumbs:

Dear Health Care Professional,

Your patient has some concerns regarding his health and has completed the WB-DAT (Web Based Panic and Anxiety Test). The WB-DAT has been designed to assist you in their diagnosis of Panic, the anxiety disorders, dysthymia and/or mania and hypomania and should not to be considered a substitute for your opinion or advice.

Based on MyMind's responses to the WB-DAT, he has reported the following:

He has reported limited symptoms of panic and agoraphobic fear and avoidance (DSM-IV 300.21).

* Has experienced at least one sudden period of intense fear, anxiety, or discomfort (an anxiety attack).
* Reports that the first anxiety attack seemed to happen ?out of nowhere?, was unexpected, or caught him by surprise.
* Has had more than one anxiety attack.
* Reports that the worst part of an anxiety attack usually lasts between 10 and 30 minutes.
* Has spent a month or more worrying about having another attack, or what might happen if another attack occurred.
* Experienced the following sensations during the last intense anxiety attack:
o sweaty or clammy hands
o chest pain, pressure, or discomfort
o thinking, feeling or fearing that you were loosing control or going crazy
* Has had at least 6 anxiety attacks in the past year.
* Has had at least 2 anxiety attacks in the past two weeks.
* Reports that anxiety attacks have resulted in extreme / severe interference in normal daily life.
* Has experienced anxiety about going to or being in places or situations because of fear or having an anxiety attack, fear of not being able to escape in the event of an anxiety attack, or fear that help would not be there if needed.
* Avoids places or situations because of fear of having an anxiety attack, or fear that help would not be there if needed.
* Fears or avoids the following situations because they might have an anxiety attack:
o classrooms
o standing in lines
* Reports that fear or avoidance of the above situations results in moderate / medium interference in normal daily life.

He has reported social anxiety in a number of social and performance situations (DSM-IV 300.23).

* Reports of having excessive fear or avoidance of social or work situations because of a fear of embarrassment, humiliation, or judgment (evaluation).
* Reports of avoiding the following for fear of embarassment, humiliation, or judgement (evaluation):
o speaking or performing in front of others
o dealing with people in authority
o talking to strangers
o being observed (watched) while eating or drinking
o social gatherings / parties
o dating situations
o being observed (watched) while working
o being the center of attention
o eye contact
o speaking to people who you find attractive
* Reports that the above avoidance results in extreme / severe interference in normal daily life.

He has reported a number of compulsive symptoms (DSM-IV 300.3).

* Reports doing the following over and over again according to special rules or until it feels ?just right?
o arranging / ordering / sorting / list making
* Reports that the above behaviors result in extreme / severe interference in normal daily life.

He has reported a number of chronic depressive symptoms (DSM-IV 300.4).

* Has felt depressed, sad, or flat for most of the day for at least two weeks.
* Has lost interest or pleasure in things usually enjoyed, and this has been happening for two weeks or more.
* Has experienced a constant low mood or irritability for at least two weeks.
* Has a chronically depressed mood most of the time, and this has been occurring for at least two years or more.
* Reports feeling the following for the past two weeks or more:
o gaining or losing weight
o sleeping more or less
o talking or moving more slowly
o feeling tired or like you have no energy
o having difficulty making decisions or concentrating
o feeling guilty or worthless
* Reports that feeling Panic or a loss of usual pleasures or interests results in moderate / medium interference to their normal daily life.
* Reports that this feeling of Panic results in moderate / medium interference in normal daily life.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
Online tests are screening tests only. They are not diagnoses.

If you have a concern about your symptoms, talk to your family doctor, or a psychologist, or a psychiatrist about them. They will be able to determine an accurate diagnosis and to recommend appropriate treatment.


Online tests are screening tests only. They are not diagnoses.

If you have a concern about your symptoms, talk to your family doctor, or a psychologist, or a psychiatrist about them. They will be able to determine an accurate diagnosis and to recommend appropriate treatment.

i don't have a family doctor and i am not planing too because its like only crazy people do that in my country .. i am using this forum instead
... by the way .. i hope u read it and try to help me ... it wouldn't take long i am sure ... or anyone else are welcome to do the same thing.

David Baxter PhD

Late Founder
i don't have a family doctor and i am not planing too because its like only crazy people do that in my country .. i am using this forum instead
... by the way .. i hope u read it and try to help me ... it wouldn't take long i am sure ... or anyone else are welcome to do the same thing.

First, you haven't asked a specific question.

Second, we do not provide diagnoses or treatment here. This is a support forum. If you're concerned about your symptoms and interested in helping yourself, you should see a doctor or counsellor or mental health professional. If not, I'm not sure I understand the point of posting this.


i am not planing too because its like only crazy people do that in my country

Mental illness is no different from any other physical illness and is often thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, in the same way diabetes is a chemical imbalance in the pancreas. If you had chest pain, or a sore arm, would you avoid seeing a doctor?

You would be doing a disservice to yourself and to those who love you by not seeing a competent healthcare professional such as a family doctor at first with the possibility of a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist if your doctor recommends it.

Please reconsider your plan in your own best interests. The internet is not the place to get a diagnosis. You can receive support and information, but not a diagnosis. You need to be seen in person by a doctor who can give you a proper examination and with whom you can discuss your concerns.


First, you haven't asked a specific question.

Second, we do not provide diagnoses or treatment here.

That is what i am asking for ... if anyone been in situation like this and passed it already or he asked a doctor and he gave him a method .. that is so helpful to me , and that is what i am looking for

---------- Post added at 12:47 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:26 PM ----------

Mental illness is no different from any other physical illness and is often thought to be caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, in the same way diabetes is a chemical imbalance in the pancreas. If you had chest pain, or a sore arm, would you avoid seeing a doctor?

You would be doing a disservice to yourself and to those who love you by not seeing a competent healthcare professional such as a family doctor at first with the possibility of a referral to a psychologist or psychiatrist if your doctor recommends it.

Please reconsider your plan in your own best interests. The internet is not the place to get a diagnosis. You can receive support and information, but not a diagnosis. You need to be seen in person by a doctor who can give you a proper examination and with whom you can discuss your concerns.

i totally understand about the mental opinion ... and i thing a lot of my people in my country (Egypt) need that badly ... but try to tell them that ... they don't listen so doctors ask for bigger bucks ... and if i go there .. its like no body should see me .

and i realized that my problem is too easy but its not the one that goes away by time , you know .. so i should try something ... i actually been suffering this problem for like years and i tried small method and today i feel like i healed 90+% i mean i think i attacked 1-2 times with anxiety

but i still not sure .. i know it helped a lot but it sounds not perfect so i wants to hear more tips or ideas if you know what i mean
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